EDD April Mummies


Active Member
Hi mummies, im kinda new here.. Currently in my week 35.. Haven pack my hospital bag yet.. All the best!

Welcome to April mummies !! Wow u haven't packed ur hospital bag?? Hmmm .. It should be time for you to get everything done or prepared already.

So maybe you would like to share which hospital u will be delivering @? How are u feeling @ last trimester .. How's ur baby ? (having a girl or a boy?)

Anyway have a smooth delivery!!


New Member
Hi zodiacstar, I was given the same medication as u. Realise can't stop it. My med finished. N the tightening n cramps come back. Now seems like addicted to the med haha. Jia you! How many weeks r u in? Me now going to 34 weeks. Hope bb can hang on till 37 weeks :)

Hi Huafen83! Thanks for sharing! Yah also experiencing cramps again so now worried again whether meds is losing its effect.gynae only gave me meds to last till i see her on Wednesday and i still got one more day at least of work to complete before i lay supine. Am just 36 weeks and was started on meds last wed. Very stressed out as every step i take seems to feel tht bb is making a few mm approach to the opening. You taking plenty of rest? Did the doc gave you more meds?Lets aim towards the 37 weeks mark gal! Jiayoujiayou:)


Hi Mummy Polo,

Have you share with your gynae about frequent pooh pooh sorry to say, as i am also encountered the same situation in a day i went to toilet 2-3times as i have a stitch in me so just wondering also, what is the advice of your gynae? Kindly do share. Thank u in advance mummy polo
Sorry Chrio, for the super late reply, been busy handing over duties.... my gynae encourage me to poo everyday as she felt dat now our tummy not much space, so she wans me to take fibre drink if neva poo everyday... or else if too many days neva poo, she said dat we will experience some pain here and there and we may mistaken its contraction pain...

Tink u went toilet 2-3 times cos now intestine area very squeezy with the baby... so its natural that no more space thus u wana poo more... dats gd... juz dun squeeze out the poo by force...

I neva take fibre drink but i take fruits everyday lor... now everyday will poo ... abit oso gd...


Hi polopolo! In tht case you monitor then, the injection sounds scary!!! Do drink plenty of fluids so can help with bowel movement. Prunes help too! :)
Hi zodiacstar, thanks... Ya, the jab is really scary and i will do my best to avoid it...Want to have a healthy baby!!


Hi polopolo,

Now at this stage.. U can't keep ur poo too long inside... baby will make u poo.. sometimes it's just ur baby's head pushing stressing happen to hit on your "rubbish chute" so u have the poo feeling but nothing come out.

Relax & use the breathing techniques.. lying down in scissor position... (*baby will move up) then the feeling will stop !

Personally .. I am encountering this also ..got the feeling but nothing come out .. so wait till your poo going to reach custom then u go...
Hi Dilys, thanks for ur advice, recently juz make sure i poo everyday...u r rite, cun hold my poo but sumtimes the toilets outside are really disgusting ... cun bring myself to poo in such toilets leh...hahahaa!!!


Jofeny, having a feel to poo is also a symptom of labour. There is alot of labour symptoms. But depends on individual de.

For me my tightening also get worst when I walk too much. So now if I "over walk" my tummy will give signal to me. Tightening n also lower tummy pain. I so sacred if I carry on to walk. I will go into labour lor.

Think we all now r juz carrying time bomb. N aching anywhere is very common. Lying down on bed is the best remedy. Hehe

jia you all mummies. Last lap le. Will be over soon.
Hi Huafen83, i oso have the same feeling... if i overwalk, my tummy will signal to me, it will be will achy... now i minimise walking as much as possible... u too muz minimise...take care!!


New Member
Hi Dilys, i b giving birth in Kk. Wil b seeing my gynae next thu n goin to register for e delivery package.. Feeling v anxious to c my bb girl.. Currently nt working, hving slpless night tossing n turning, find e comfortable position..


New Member
Hi, welcome!! Me havent packed too!! hahaha!! N i cun sleep well too, tossing and turning ... whichever position seem to be so uncomfy!
Hi mummies! Nevermind got time to pack today!!! Worst case just grab one two sets of long dress and innerwear. :) jiayou jiayou


Hi zodiacstar, me tml will be exact 34 weeks. Ya was given enough med to see my Gynae next mon! The moment I reach home I will rest Liao. Hoping the tome will pass fast so tat I can start my ML!!!


New Member
Hi Beibeikelynn,

Initially, i planned to name my girl 恩喧 but my buddies suggest that i shld wait for her to b borned n 'calculate' her name. However, 诗恩 is v sweet. Like girls' name with the 恩 word.


Active Member
Hi Dilys, i b giving birth in Kk. Wil b seeing my gynae next thu n goin to register for e delivery package.. Feeling v anxious to c my bb girl.. Currently nt working, hving slpless night tossing n turning, find e comfortable position..

Oh when is ur edd?? 3rd trimester is like that.. Difficult in sleeping :) haha ya Definetly Bit of nervous but u gotta be positive :) try to catch whatever chance when you are able to sleep haha. U look very young in ur pic .. How old r u ?? So r u going for natural delivery ? With or without epidural ?? :) Jia you


Active Member
Hi Beibeikelynn,

Initially, i planned to name my girl 恩喧 but my buddies suggest that i shld wait for her to b borned n 'calculate' her name. However, 诗恩 is v sweet. Like girls' name with the 恩 word.

The name is nice! The name is really up to you & your hubby (* if u guys want to send for calculation) for the Chinese name. For me yes... I got a name for my baby boy & will send in for calculation once baby is out! :)

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Thank you for your attention :D

Best Regards


New Member
Hi Dilys,

My edd is 29apr.. Been having difficulties to slp, tossing n turning, most if the time waking up to feel both my palms (near e pinky area) numbed.. Also keep waking up arnd 1am n 4am feeling hungry too! So far my gynae haven tell me if i be able to giv birth naturally, but really do hope so (without epidural). As for e chinese name of my bb girl, i wil go calculate but have decided on e english name (Khloe Chen). Btw, im 27 this yr. ;)