EDD in December 2009

hi shiseru, i thought you will be the next Dec MTB who will know the gender :001_302:, wow your baby is playing guessing game with mummy....never mind 3 weeks will pass quicky.....so the chinese calendar seemed like accurate for those who have find out the gender of their babies!! Let's see our ones whether are accurate!!
Hi Shiseru,

My bebe also being mysterious, when i went for scan last wk...baby was lying down...cant scan anyting...except the baby's bottoms...and the lovely spine.sigh.
don't worry mummies, very soon your babies will surely reveal.. most important is to know that our babies are growing well and healthy..


wah so good!!!guess most of the mummy here knows the gender of your lill one ???
For me not yet !!!I had a scan on my 17 weeks....bt then can't reali see anitin....my whole family hope for a gal ...bt then my doc say it may b boy...coz lik saw someting ...bt still not confirm....and doc say i and baby quite healthy..so move backwards next month appointmant...wah..sian ...dat means at my 23weeks then i can get to know my baby gender!!!!!!arghhhhhhhhhhh

notti lill one not cooperate..........
At the same time lots of mummies still don't know the gender of babies :(
I'm going for detailed scan only in a couple of weeks. Can't wait so much!!!
stupidyeye, what does Chinees calendar tells about the gender of your baby?
Most likely it's quite precise.


At the same time lots of mummies still dont't know the gender of babies :(
I'm going for detailed scan only in a couple of weeks. Can't wait so much!!!
stupidyeye, what does Chinees calendar tells about the gender of your baby?
Most likely it's quite precise.

Hmm..it says i'm havin dd leh...but den ma doc suspect id ds wor....aiyoyo...confuse ah!!!


Hi Shiseru,

My bebe also being mysterious, when i went for scan last wk...baby was lying down...cant scan anyting...except the baby's bottoms...and the lovely spine.sigh.
Yeah, baby sitting pretty comfortably but kicking and I thought the action a bit like riding a horse haha :blaugh:

Doctor also say my abdominal wall (or something, fats maybe LOL) is thick so may be difficult to see gender accurately at 17 weeks. Looks like it's gonna take a few more weeks before i can feel baby kicking too! Grr.. >_<


Hmm..it says i'm havin dear daughter ...but then doc suspect id dear son ....aiyoyo...confuse !!!
Hehe, but you said that your doctor is not sure ;) Anyway, the calendar can't be right in all cases. It would be interesting to compare when all of us find out the gender of the babies.


New Member
Hi Dec MTBs,

My bb boy is due on Dec 5th. Will b hving my delivery at TMC. Anyone I might bump into? hehe...:twink:


New Member
hi ladies!

my baby is a dec baby too..its the first wk of dec ;p
can't wait for my baby's arrival..happy to see u all in forum..so that can learn from one another..esp me being a first mum ;p;)


My baby EDD is 22 Dec 2009... Anyone know your baby gender ??
At Thomson Medical Center..
Wow, my EDD 20 Dec, so close but i am seeing KK gynae, aiya, same zodiac also, Gemini muahaha :D

Went for a scan last Sat but baby sitting position so cannot see >_<
You knew already?


Hi Dec MTBs,

My baby boy is due on Dec 5th. Will b hving my delivery at Thomson Medical Center. Anyone I might bump into? hehe...:twink:
I went for detailed scanning today & just found out i am expecting a baby boy :001_302:. My Edd is due on 4th Dec, but will be delivering in Kandang Kerbau Hospital, hehe

Hehe, but you said that your doctor is not sure ;) Anyway, the calendar can't be right in all cases. It would be interesting to compare when all of us find out the gender of the babies.
Hi Cony, heard that the chinese calendar is almost 80-90% accurate, so guess i belong to the remaining 10-20%, calendar predicts i will have a baby girl, but sonographer said confirmed is boy, i was actually quite shocked :shyxxx:cos all along i was expecting a princess cos i had 2 vivid dreams that i had a daughter.... so hubby is laughing at me saying i have such a lousy mother's insticts...hehe
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I went for detailed scanning today & just found out i am expecting a baby boy :001_302:. My Edd is due on 4th Dec, but will be delivering in Kandang Kerbau Hospital, hehe

Hi Cony, heard that the chinese calendar is almost 80-90% accurate, so guess i belong to the remaining 10-20%, calendar predicts i will have a baby girl, but sonographer said confirmed is boy, i was actually quite shocked :shyxxx:cos all along i was expecting a princess cos i had 2 vivid dreams that i had a daughter.... so hubby is laughing at me saying i have such a lousy mother's insticts...hehe
Sufeit, congrats! so happy for you. Looks like the calendar isn't accurate for you and yeah, your instinct too haha! :blaugh:

Any other hints might have proven you are expecting a baby boy, like food craving, shape of your sac, any MS, etc?


Sufeit, congrats! so happy for you. Looks like the calendar isn't accurate for you and yeah, your instinct too haha! :blaugh:

Any other hints might have proven you are expecting a baby boy, like food craving, shape of your sac, any MS, etc?
I don't have much food craving though, i used to be more towards meat, never like soupy stuff, my appetite after pregnant changed to lesser meat & soupy stuffs...

My first scan sac at week 8 was of kidney bean shape, then it changed to more egg shape, but not as long as when compared to your sac.

I had only nauseous feeling for the first two months but i never actually puke before, so can say not much MS.

Guess every women is different so not all symptoms for the same gender will be same. So just read it as old wife tales lol, hehe :001_302: . You will find out your baby's gender very soon....So you prefer prince or princess? Gynae commented my baby is quite big size, so little worried :shyxxx:, but my appetite still normal lol, haiz....Think i got a lot of "reserve" in my body....hehe cos i only put on 3kg for 5 mths.


I went for detailed scanning today & just found out i am expecting a baby boy :001_302:. My Edd is due on 4th Dec, but will be delivering in Kandang Kerbau Hospital, hehe

Hi Cony, heard that the chinese calendar is almost 80-90% accurate, so
guess i belong to the remaining 10-20%, calendar predicts i will have a baby girl, but sonographer said confirmed is boy, i was actually quite shocked :shyxxx:cos all along i was expecting a princess cos i had 2 vivid dreams that i had a daughter.... so hubby is laughing at me saying i have such a lousy mother's insticts...hehe
Wow, sufeit, give my congratulations! Now you may purchase blue staff for the baby))) I understand you mother's insticts absolutely! )) According to the chinese calendar I'll have a boy and now it seams that tummy shape and taste changing and so on says about the boy! If I have a girl, I imagine, how my hubby will be laughing and teasing me!


Gynae commented my baby is quite big size, so little worried :shyxxx:.
What is your baby's size? Don't worry, I read that all babies are growing up not the same way - some earlier, some later. Everything will be fine :) The most important thing that he's healthy!


What is your baby's size? dont't worry, I read that all babies are growing up not the same way - some earlier, some later. Everything will be fine :) The most important thing that he's healthy!
I actually tried asking gynae what is the weight of baby...but she said weight is not accurate measures at the moment. What she mean is the length/size of the baby woh, so i am still little confused. Gynae also said not to worry cos is still within normal range but she will have me undergoing diabetic test when i am around 7 mths. When i heard the word "diabetes", heart sank a little cos not only i will have to battle against my BP complications which is like a timed bomb, another potential complication add on my list...But told myself must think positive....:win:

Cony how many weeks are you? Hope you find out the gender soon....Now i have to start thinking a name for my boy which i am still very clueless...I am getting more blur after pregnant, hehe....:shyxxx:
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Alpha Male
Wow, my EDD 20 Dec, so close but i am seeing KK gynae, aiya, same zodiac also, Gemini muahaha :D

Went for a scan last Sat but baby sitting position so cannot see >_<
You knew already?
Our gynae said maybe is baby girl. (Can't confirm until 20weeks detailed scan) heex heex . So happy ...
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Alpha Male
I went for detailed scanning today & just found out i am expecting a baby boy :001_302:. My Edd is due on 4th Dec, but will be delivering in Kandang Kerbau Hospital, hehe

Hi Cony, heard that the chinese calendar is almost 80-90% accurate, so guess i belong to the remaining 10-20%, calendar predicts i will have a baby girl, but sonographer said confirmed is boy, i was actually quite shocked :shyxxx:cos all along i was expecting a princess cos i had 2 vivid dreams that i had a daughter.... so hubby is laughing at me saying i have such a lousy mother's insticts...hehe
Hi, may i know which chinese calendar website can predicts baby gender ?? heex Share share..