EDD in December 2009


The reason asked is I heard people saying no MS usually lead to baby boy, got MS usually baby gal hehe... guess not huh :001_302:

Hang in there, I am sure your discomfort will go away very soon!

Hi, hiseru!

It's interesting, what people say if there is ES (evening sickness) instead of MS? hehe... I used to have strong ES during the whole 1sh Trimester.

My instinct tells me that I'll have a boy, but tummy shape looks like gals... Eh, so much time to wait...


Alpha Male
Hi kohym, congrats on your positive results! By the way, care to enlighten me on what a triple test is? I've never heard of this term.
It is a blood test to calculate risk factor of bb born with down syndrome. It shows probabilty only. this test is carried out at week16. at week11, gynae ask if we want to do OSCAR screening or wait till week16 then do triple test.

your gynae would be able to advise you on the types of test needed/recommended along your pregnancy.


Hi, hiseru!

It's interesting, what people say if there is ES (evening sickness) instead of MS? hehe... I used to have strong ES during the whole 1sh Trimester.

My instinct tells me that I'll have a boy, but tummy shape looks like gals... Eh, so much time to wait...
Aha interesting, evening sickness huh? No myth about this though, guess you're gonna be the first one to tell us, be sure to let us know later :001_302:

Yeah i heard from tummy shape could tells the gender, but I doubt we could tell at this early stage. Mine seems to be protruding sharply but at the same time, looks round too haha :001_302:
Hi, hiseru!

It's interesting, what people say if there is ES (evening sickness) instead of MS? hehe... I used to have strong ES during the whole 1sh Trimester.

My instinct tells me that I'll have a boy, but tummy shape looks like gals... Eh, so much time to wait...
how many weeks are you now?
actually my morning sickness is at worse in the evening and i also puke more at night.

you can see your tummy shape ready?? mine now showing much leh, so i'm not sure if it's round or sharp..


how many weeks are you now?
actually my morning sickness is at worse in the evening and i also puke more at night.

you can see your tummy shape ready?? mine now showing much , so i'm not sure if it's round or sharp..

I'm 16+ weeks now and I suppose tummy shape is visible :) However, it my be changed... I see that it's growing up to the whole surface of the tummy almost simultaneous. That's why I decided that it's round... Perhaps, it's a part of my luxuriant imagination :001_302:
It's said your tummy shape is not visible, so the theory about tummy shape can't be proved... :(


New Member
Hi ladyminx, yesterday evening i started to experience some slight baby movements on the left abdomen, then it stops. Around 2 hours later while i was eating dinner, i felt the movements again. Before i only felt stomach stretching, this time the feeling is very different....I am only 16 weeks, is it too early to feel the baby movement?

I have started to apply stretchmark cream only recently but some said it's better to apply earlier. You should start applying now. :001_302:

Hi sufeit, what was the movement like? When my friends were pregnant at your stage, they could feel a little tingling sensation here and there but they won't sure if those were baby movements. After checking with the gynae, it was confirmed those were, in fact, baby movements. Just that the baby is still small so you dont't feel kicks and punches yet.

My gynae asked me to start applying moisturizer she prescribed me but I have not been very regular at it. Kinda lazy... hehe...


New Member
Hi Mummies, I don't believe in old wives' tales about telling the gender of the baby from the tummy shape. It hasn't been foolproof. I have friends who are carrying boys but the tummy is pretty round.

Also, they say if you are carrying girls, your face doesn't change. But mothers who are carrying boys will have swollen nose and others. All these aren't true at all.

I suppose it all depends on individual.
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New Member
It is a blood test to calculate risk factor of baby born with down syndrome. It shows probabilty only. this test is carried out at week16. at week11, gynae ask if we want to do OSCAR screening or wait till week16 then do triple test.

your gynae would be able to advise you on the types of test needed/recommended along your pregnancy.

Hi kohym, thanks for explaining. I have done the test for down syndrome at 12 weeks.

Initially, I thought the name triple test means the test includes 3 different screenings. haha...


Also, they say if you are carrying girls, your face doesn't change. But mothers who are carrying boys will have swollen nose and others. All these aren't true at all.
Huh, i thought it's the opposite. If expecting gals, mother not pretty coz BB gal steals away all your prettiness :001_302:

I started applying the stretchmark cream when I was 2 months preggie, on the breasts, stomach, thighs, and hips. You want to consider starting to apply now coz the stomach is doing a lot of stretching to accomodate the BB. Anyone experience itchy stomach? Grrr.. I do but I dare not scratch! >_<


Hey Mummypooh

I was I was the only mad one who had to change toothpaste to kid's toothpaste cuz i would for sure vomit once i put the toothbrush in my mouth.

Now i can go back to my husband and tell him i'm not crazy :D
Hi Adelynn,

Nah, i dun tint u r mad by using kid's toothpaste. Guess we are only trying all methods to lessen the effect of morning sickness, esle it will make our life very miserable,rite.kekek

Ya, i guess men juz cant imagine what are we going thru esp the 1st trimester.

Cheers *)


is your instinct very strong?? cos mine is, even 2 weeks before i found out the gender i did sayang2 my tummy and call 'my little boy boy'.. i also surprised how come i can be so sure. also i had dreams before that i gave birth to baby boy.

yup, me indon but stay here long2 time , and my hubby is local.. you indon too?
Hi HOneylicious,

I tint my instinct not strong as yrs, juz tat i juz have this feeling the bebe maybe is a boy. But my MIL has a dream abt the baby is a boy loh. So right now i juz dun tint too much the gender of the baby, juz wait for my next ultrascan appt w d doc. keke

Oic, nope my hubby & i are Sporean. Juz tat im now currently in Jkt with my hubby. Rumah anda di mana di Indon? keke


Active Member
Huh, i thought it's the opposite. If expecting gals, mother not pretty coz baby gal steals away all your prettiness :001_302:

I started applying the stretchmark cream when I was 2 months preggie, on the breasts, stomach, thighs, and hips. You want to consider starting to apply now coz the stomach is doing a lot of stretching to accomodate the baby. Anyone experience itchy stomach? Grrr.. I do but I dare not scratch! >_<
when u have itchy stomach means ur skin's dry and is stretching. u should then put more moisturizer to ensure sufficient moistness in ur skin to minimize stretch marks :D


Hi Mummies, I dont't believe in old wives' tales about telling the gender of the baby from the tummy shape. It hasn't been foolproof. I have friends who are carrying boys but the tummy is pretty round.

Also, they say if you are carrying girls, your face doesn't change. But mothers who are carrying boys will have swollen nose and others. All these aren't true at all.

I suppose it all depends on individual.
Hi, Ladyminx!
Do you believe in mother's instincts or dreams?
I don't believe in all these tales as well. However it's such a great wish to know the sex of the baby as soon as possible!!! What to do? Only remember all these tales, just for fun)))

HoneyLicious, it's interesting, does Chinese and Japanese calendar predict that you will have a baby boy?


Hi sufeit, what was the movement like? When my friends were pregnant at your stage, they could feel a little tingling sensation here and there but they won't sure if those were baby movements. After checking with the gynae, it was confirmed those were, in fact, baby movements. Just that the baby is still small so you dont't feel kicks and punches yet.

My gynae asked me to start applying moisturizer she prescribed me but I have not been very regular at it. Kinda lazy... hehe...
Hmmm...how to describe the feeling? yup some sort of tingling sensation, bubbles feeling, butterfly fluttering, worm wringling....you will know once you experience it....hehe i think you will experience earlier than most mum who carry single baby...:001_302:

Yesterday i have experienced baby movements in the evening time again....this time the movements are greater....:Dancing_wub:

I also kinda lazy in applying the stretchmark cream...but guess we have to apply diligently before the stretchmark appears then it will be too late...
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New Member
Hi, Ladyminx!
Do you believe in mother's instincts or dreams?
I dont't believe in all these tales as well. However it's such a great wish to know the sex of the baby as soon as possible!!! What to do? Only remember all these tales, just for fun)))

HoneyLicious, it's interesting, does Chinese and Japanese calendar predict that you will have a baby boy?

Hi cony, I guess some mothers do have strong intuitions about the gender of their baby. My friends have a feeling that I'm carrying twin boys. They asked me what are my instincts. Seriously, I really do not have a clue. Hahaha...

As for dreams, my aunty ever shared her experience with me. She was pregnant with her 3rd child (many years apart from the 1st and 2nd daughters). She prayed and asked God for a son. And she dreamt that she was carrying a baby boy in her arms. True enough, she gave birth to a baby boy.

I find the Chinese baby gender prediction calendar pretty accurate. I checked back against my mother when she gave birth to 3 of us. The results were accurate. I asked my friend to check my neighbour's and her own, it's true as well. I find that calendar very amazing.


New Member
Hi HOneylicious,

I tint my instinct not strong as yrs, just that i just have this feeling the bebe maybe is a boy. But my mother in law has a dream about the baby is a boy loh. So right now i just dont tint too much the gender of the baby, just wait for my next ultrascan appt w d doc. keke

Oic, nope my hubby & i are Sporean. just that im now currently in Jkt with my hubby. Rumah anda di mana di Indon? keke

Hi mummypooh, my friend told me that when she was expecting, her own father dreamt that he has has a grandson (which at that moment, he doesn't have any) and that little boy in the dream had my friend's eyes. Then later on, during the detailed scanning, it truly was a boy. Haha... so it's quite unexplainable sometimes.


New Member
Hmmm...how to describe the feeling? yup some sort of tingling sensation, bubbles feeling, butterfly fluttering, worm wringling....you will know once you experience it....hehe i think you will experience earlier than most mum who carry single baby...:001_302:

Yesterday i have experienced baby movements in the evening time again....this time the movements are greater....:Dancing_wub:

I also kinda lazy in applying the stretchmark cream...but guess we have to apply diligently before the stretchmark appears then it will be too late...

Hey sufeit, must be very exciting to feel your baby's movements for the first time yea? My friend told me she usually feels the baby's movements during the evening and night when she is less active. Cuz in the day, you are walking and moving around. These motions kinda rock the baby to sleep so baby is more active at night. Enjoy these moments... the father of the baby can only hope to catch the feel of the baby's movement in time. Hahaha...


Hey sufeit, must be very exciting to feel your baby's movements for the first time yea? My friend told me she usually feels the baby's movements during the evening and night when she is less active. Cuz in the day, you are walking and moving around. These motions kinda rock the baby to sleep so baby is more active at night. Enjoy these moments... the father of the baby can only hope to catch the feel of the baby's movement in time. Hahaha...
Yup very exciting & amazing feeling to feel a life is growing inside u day by day
....Me also same as your friend, i also feel more baby movements during the evening & night time for the past two days....Day time baby seemed less active...Will continue to monitor the trend of the baby moves!


I find the Chinese baby gender prediction calendar pretty accurate. I checked back against my mother when she gave birth to 3 of us. The results were accurate. I asked my friend to check my neighbour's and her own, it's true as well. I find that calendar very amazing.
Today I've found out one more method to determine baby's sex: to sum the mum's age (when baby was conceived) and the month of conception. If amount will be even - baby will be the gal otherwise - boy :)


haloooo ladies...

It's been a while since i last posted. Went for my appointment at TMC juz now and gynae told me i am expecting a baby girl. Well...she's 80-90% sure it is a girl...yay! :) So next step is the 20 wks detailed scan. So this being my 1st pregnancy..i was juz wondering...what exactly to expect during the scan? Any experienced mummies out there who can share? :)