EDD in Sept 2011

go download this application funshion.com can watch a lot of shows online!! haha.. won't feel depressed X] i every night go home on that program watch Ji Gong and study at the same time X].. TV for baby.. so she won't kick me

I super regret when i keep coaxing baby to turn weeks ago.. now everyday kick my ribs area there.. PAIN and breathless.. T_T" should coax baby later than earlier else like me.. suffer her wraith *faint*

Oh Yah and nowadays, my tummy FEEL VERY FLAT!! =_=" as if not pregnant liddat.. is this normal? =_=" and i also notice my tummy really went DOWN alot.. BUT hor.. SHE CAN STILL KICK MY RIBS LO!! hopefully it's a sign that she will be very very TALL like her daddy X] but i hate one thing about his family.. they all have BIG calves T.T I find it ugly T.T even the brother thin thin, his calves are HUGE!!
is it your baby have dropped already?


Nilebaby - mine has been transverse (sideways) since day 1, Im 32 weeks now. Still have time to turn, try not to worry. But I hope mine will stay that position, cos Doc already said he will schedule c-sect for me & Im looking forward to it. So everyday I tell baby not to move. Hehehehe....

Charlottetan - i think it's normal... i get it too sometimes, especially if I'm alone. Start to feel sad that I maybe not a good mummy to my older boy cos now I have new baby, silly stuff to worry about sometimes. Feel like crying too.... Just remind urself of the good stuff instead. :)

Carisella - sounds like ur girl drop already! Nice!

Rabbitmum - Thanks! Now i sleep with it first so my smell will be there. :)


New Member
online shopping! i've been trying to figure out online shopping, since USD is so low now! can shop on babygap!

any mommys know how to buy clothes online, like at gap.com?

online shopping!
chat with friends on msn~
Surf the net, forums, youtube...
Watch DVDs etc~


New Member
Hi Rabbitmummy, my EDD is Sept 07, how about yrs? I don't have facebook, super outdated...haha

Hi Chocobaby, is this your first baby? Is C-section painful right?
Thanks all... yeah... trying to find something to do to make me feel better... hahahaah.. already start to plan my after birth beauty plan le... cant wait... look like aunty now.... after planning... I FEEL BETTER=D


Thanks all... yeah... trying to find something to do to make me feel better... hahahaah.. already start to plan my after birth beauty plan le... cant wait... look like aunty now.... after planning... I FEEL BETTER=D
i only thinking how to lose the flab after birth, and then how to look after baby and study at the same time next year.. and.. when to bring baby go Thailand to return blessings given ~_~
i only thinking how to lose the flab after birth, and then how to look after baby and study at the same time next year.. and.. when to bring baby go Thailand to return blessings given ~_~
have to wait for at least 4 months to travel if i m not wrong.... I already master in how to take care of bb le.... have been looking like a monster for 2 yrs le.... wana change within..=D
Hi Rabbitmummy, my EDD is Sept 07, how about yrs? I dont't have facebook, super outdated...haha

Hi Chocobaby, is this your first baby? Is C-section painful right?
mine is around 20 sept.. of thought of adding u in mummy club to chat there if u have facebook :) no worries here also can :001_302:

Thanks all... yeah... trying to find something to do to make me feel better... hahahaah.. already start to plan my after birth beauty plan ... cant wait... look like aunty now.... after planning... I FEEL BETTER=D
that is good! :)
i also want to go cut hair before giving birth and want to do alot of things after i leave here... i feel more depress each day as i see my hard work not appreciated and the new gal coming in is perm staff..
i was like dripping tears also today.. like so easily to fall into depression.. my hubby got a new toy gadget just spend 300 for it and i ask whether he have enuff for baby he just say starve the baby... i dont know his $$ but i just worried... as i cant contribute much on my end.. :embarrassed: i dont know dont feel like thinking so much also... very tired from lack of sleep n all...


New Member
My doc said by week 37 if bb still not head down, he will 'manually' turn the bb to head down...but there will be injection to relax the tummy muscles..


Active Member
online shopping! i've been trying to figure out online shopping, since USD is so low now! can shop on babygap!

any mommys know how to buy clothes online, like at gap.com?
I think you have to use mail forward service like vpost etc if they dont ship internationally.


New Member
Think its safe to do it...but still ouch...haha...I am doing the 'crawling' exercise everynight hoping bb turns before 36 weeks when I see doc...