EDD May 2014 (maybe)

Congratulations mummies! Anyone interested to attend workshop on Natural Birth Talk and Pre-pregnancy Cleansing? Though you are late in doing the cleanse but you can ask Ayurveda doctor on your morning sickness or any pregnancy challenges. The talk is on 11 November at Kembangan. Here is the LINK.

My Childbirth Story


hi everyone!

2nd time mummy here.. glad to see fellow Sept 12 mummies -Piglim, Meltie and Erlina! Jus got my oscar test result and assured by gynae everything's normal and fine! Coming to 13 weeks and realli glad to be leaving behind my worrying 1st trimester with the worrying spotting.. Hee.. Hoping to share all e ups and downs throughout the next 7mths and beyond! ;)
Welcome Lingz! Congrats!!!! :D Yay we have so many 2nd time mum-to-be here!! Some sept 2012 mummies and some may 2012 mummies! :) We'll stick through these months ya!
Oh ya my gynae just called earlier and informed me that my OSCARS test is gd! :) Will pass me the hardcopy report in the next appt! I have forgotten when's my next appt though.. mixed up with bb's PD's appt.. haha 2nd pregnancy i abit lose track .. haha too bz w my no.1..

wow Simbaobao, ya i heard abt the terrible 2! Mine is quite a terrible 1 now!!


Welcome SImbaobao! Congrats! How old is your no.1? :) I'm a #2 mother-to-be too! no.1 is 13mo now. :)

Thanks cyphuong84 for the info! I think it works out to be about there.. :p Hope all our oscars tests come back perfect! :) Hmm i am not really good at chicken essence.. dont't really take the taste very well.. previously tried to take n kept me awake.. and i tried to take post delivery during breastfdg, baby stayed awake longer.. haha i got alot from gifts though!! Will try to take here n there for strength!
As for feeling baby movements, still abit early.. but i can slightly feel baby tugging abit.. can't feel heartbeat though.. Hmm probably i know how it feels coz i'm a 2nd time mum? So can differentiate? Haha dont't worry! very soon we can all feel pur little ones kicking and dancing inside!! :)

Shiningnails! Glad you've worked a way to manage your m/s! :) Yup having small meals always keeps the nausea away and avoid bloatedness.. haha i know that but i always forget and with my daughter around, i dont't get much chances to munch.. have to gobble down my lunch n dinner.. end up bloated..

Miso, i think most impt is you find ot comfortable with your gynae.. its a long journey together all the way to delivery table lol.. Oh ya, do keep that $1.5k receipt! At end of pregnancy can claim medisave! Must bring w you post delivery! ;)

Hi, can we claim from medisave? Really? Please let me know as I'm quite clueless about such things.

On a separate note, when did you ladies inform your friends/ work about your pregnancy?
hi ebichan,

i remember it is claimable from medisave , this is pre delivery expenses. u need to bring it along when checking in for delivery.


Hi, can we claim from medisave? Really? Please let me know as I'm quite clueless about such things.

On a separate note, when did you ladies inform your friends/ work about your pregnancy?
Hey ebichan, i remember the clinic assistant told me to keep the biggest receipt to bring on delivery .. u can claim all the medisave stuff at discharge. I just did a search at moh website : Marriage and Parenthood Schemes | Ministry of Health
I think only $450 for pre-delivery medical charges, while the delivery package will have some part payable through medisave too.. :)

Hmm as for informing wise.. i just tell as i go along? lol
normally of the gynae has a package, we need to pay the whole of the package upfront. that should be the bill to bring. only maximum claim of $450 from medisave. the other part claimable from medisave will be doctor charges on the day of delivery, there is a max. amt claimable too.


Lingz! Congrats! Haha so many 2nd time mum in this thread. Haiz.. Hvnt been coming in to read cos no time n feeling moody-due to MS. Anw my 2nd visit to gynae last thur was great so happy to see baby's development! Gynae says the baby is growing fast so now my edd move forward to 25may instead of 28! Gynae says may b a son cos got something between his legs.. Hahaha.. Well doesn't matter whether its boy or gal. As long healthy n my son has company we r very happy le! Hehe so today I m
Week 11 le!! Yeah! So anw that night I Went to call n confirm my ex confinement lady cos she is soooo good I worry she's booked. Yeah kinda early but I don't want to end up worrying over e confinement lady later.. At least I used her before so I know she's very good at it. But price went up from $2k to $2.2k. Guess when one is Gd price doesn't matter to others.

This wkend has been fab apart from e MS. Someone mentioned bout vomiting yellow liquid-bile. That's so common to me. ESP when I m hungry. I always tell my hubby " I just vomitted e gastric juice!" Hahaha.. The aftertaste in e mouth is bad.. This pregnancy been walking alot more cos of my son.. Just came back from e zoo today ;) I m feeling v breathless alrdy. Next week I m taking my son for the PSbabystar audition he got shortlisted!!! So super elated.. Told my hubby it's better than striking 4d even though its just selection for e finals n not yet finals. ;))))

k enjoy the hols gals!


Xiongmao, i'm at 12weeks plus.. i thought i had been better for the past few days.. but m/s striked me suddenlyand very badly just now in the evening.. maybe i didn't realise i was hungry? Never gagged so much in this pregnancy .. was literally about to vomit! And i had this gagging episode for an hr?! Had nothing to eat with me and was tied to my daughter in nursery.. felt so terrible and while leaving, i gagged non stop and vomitted saliva.. had to get on car for dinner.. no choice had to hold plastic bag! Still had to entertain my daughter in her carseat.. fussing and screaming away.. i was so so exhausted.. super sick.. finally went dinner and was walking around the hawker wondering what i could eat.. no appetite but no choice had to order something to eat while my daughter continues to fuss n whine in her stroller.. :/ quickly ate and rushed home to settle her for bed.. another 1 hr of fussing and refusing to sleep.. :/ what a night.. i dozed w her and woke up awhile ago to wash bottles and now i'm sitting in bed wide awake , nausea setting in.. just grabbed a biscuit.. hubby snoozing all the way.. :/

Piglim, ur CL consider cheaper than norm already! The one i'm engaging is charging me $2.6k!! :p No choice i had no othr to go to.. had a tough time finding a good and reliable one.. this one my friend has used her for all 3 pregnancies n praised her. So i hope this time round i get a better experience amd a better chance of recuperating and resting! :p Last yr i paid $2.3k for double nightmare! argh

Wah ur son must be so cute! Hope he wins! Ya we mums will be super proud of our little bubs! I wish i can enrol my little girl into some photo contest coz she's mad cute in my opinion.. lol big eyes that melt my heart, super fair, chubby square face and curly brownish hair! hee!

oh ya, i was interviewed and did a mini photoshoot with straits times during my last visit to the pediatrician. Most likely gonna be featured in today's Sunday Times under some parenting topic.. :) Haha gonna grab a copy later! Hope not too ugly!

Sigh can't fall aslp.. anyone also has pregnancy insomnia? :p


Omg Meltie! What a night! This is my first preg and I am already complaining I cant cope with MS. I cant imagine having to take care of #1 at the same time.


New Member
on certain days I sleep a lot.. on some days I will get insomnia.. and I get headache everyday! any other mummies here having headaches??


New Member
Hello Shersy, headache is almost an everyday affair for me too! Can be anywhere from back of my head, to the temples or just behind the ear. Its irritating when it strike during work.


I got the same EDD as meltie! 15th of May 2014 :D

This pregnancy don't have much symptoms as compared to my #1. Only feeling bloated and nauseous some times. Is it normal?

Will be having my 3rd checkup on 26th of nov :)


New Member
my EDD is 1 May. Barely made it to this thread. :001_302: next appt will be on 5 Dec to find out baby's gender.