EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
wow you are 'sut'!! i guess when there is a will there is a way. haha. what kind of clothes sunflower sell?

Recently i am not sure been some time did not go check out. most of their clothing are from Korea, pretty trendy. Always received sms from them when new stocks arrive.


Active Member
$450 for 3 jabs?
1 day before bring baby for jab, feed them with bao shen and it helps.[/quo
so is mine consider expensive? hmmm...yah heard of the bao shen but that time we did not feed my son that. after the jab we just gave him more water. :wong10:

If $450 for 3 jabs the price is reasonable.

in fact i also never feed my elder gal with bao shen, and she is okie. I just monitor them closely after the jab, especially in the night.


Yes, this is the shop i went but there are some item they dont carry or slightly cost more, then i will head to wah lee at the cornor. If wanna get J&J shower foam try get it from Swanston @ level 2, selling at $5.80 if not wrong.

Nearby, there is a shop (Cheong Choon) selling baby stuffs, i also like to go there to check the price out.
oic...i onli explore ocean...
10 yr +++ ago ming ming but now the become a ghost town dun knwo wat happen.....
so cheong choon is at same building rite?


Hey Ladies,

something to share...

For those who are breastfeeding, you can try Fenugreek Herbal Supplement (from GNC) or ask your pediatrician for Motilium Tablets for boosting of milk supply. I'm taking both and i make sure i drink lactation milk like friso mum and enfamum. Kaisu abit! My breast will be full every 4-5 hours. Stay happy and eat well. I realise if i'm stress or unhappy, my supply will drop... and i was told not to eat ginger, will bring down the milk supply. Through out my confinement and now i avoided ginger, garlic, chilli.

Anyone here know about Eagle Brand Eucalyptus Oil? I apply it on my baby everyday after shower and before sleep on the shoulder and chest to keep baby warm... especially in the night cos sleeping in aircon room. Can get it from Guardian Pharmacy.
avoid ginger?:eek:
tot is a MUST to get rid of all wind inside?


There are quite a number of shops selling toiletries upstairs that hawker centre. I always visit this shop to stock up on toiletries, much cheaper than retail rates.

Phone Number: 65353604
32 New Market Road
#03-1058 Peoples Park Food Centre S050032
Location: Chinatown
Category: Cosmetics & Toiletries
oic this one i supporting for past few yr for cosmetcs supply
so crowded everytime but glad they manage to pull through as 10yr +++ ago the shop was ghost town


Wow, everyone's confinement are almost ending when mine just started. it is really a torture, wonder how you all tahan. the weather is so hot and i refuse to wear pants.

the confinement and breastfeeding is stressful, really feel like giving up.

does your baby vomit milk after each bf? mine does and i cannnot seem to be able to burp him. any tricks from the mummy? how about hiccups? does your baby hiccups? what to do?
ive been bottle-feeding my girl with EBM for past 5 wks and sometimes im tempted to give up too. it's so tiring to pump & wash the pump accessories every 3 hours. i feel like a robot. im also considering mixing FM into breast milk for her night feed to last her longer thru the night. but i will feel "guilty" if i do that though technically there's nothing wrong with feeding her FM. i guess when the going gets tough, think of your baby and what is good for her. at least that is what kept me going till now.

for a period of time, my baby spits-up after every single feed till the point i got so fed-up i shouted at her. then my baby stared back at me with her eyes wide and i felt so guilty after that. =( then i realise it's cos she's overfed. when i see her dozing off at 3 oz, i kept waking her up to finish the 4th oz. she finishes them but spits-up after that. when i stopped at the point she fell aslp, maybe 3 to 3.5 oz, she seems full enough and doesnt spit-up. another thing is not to change her nappies or let her lie flat right after her feeding.

i wasnt able to burp her too until i tried another method which is like in the attachment. she usually burps with this method. be careful to hold the chin and not throat.

when my baby hiccups, i give her some warm water, maybe about 0.5 to 1 oz. the hiccups will stop after that.



Active Member
oic...i onli explore ocean...
10 yr +++ ago ming ming but now the become a ghost town dont knwo what happen.....
so cheong choon is at same building rite?

it better to go to ocean on weekdays, weekend super crowded.
Cheong Choon is just the next blk only, two buildings are linked.

Cheong Choon Store (Closed on Sunday)
Blk 34, #03-132
Upper Cross Street
Tel: 6532 3855 (no answer call after 6pm)



you are right, we have so many errands to accomplish and before you know it, baby is up again. it's not easy but these tiring periods will soon be history before we know it.so like what you say, try enjoying the experience. hee!

as for advise given by relatives and friends, just listen with an open mind and decide for ourselves. i know what you mean. sometimes i feel that they make us more confuse and less confident as a parent. sigh...
Today's my last day of confinement.... I wonder what it will be like tomorow... Even though it is weekend n hubby is around... But........ sigh... Doubt he can help much... I went to bathe just now n my gal cry n cry.... He became so helpless.....

Anyway, ya.... Somtimes although many people mean well but seriously, sometimes i also feel like telling them.... "hello!!! We are the parents not you!!!"
Then again i know they mean no harm but they unknowingly added an invisible stress on us parents... As if waiting for us to make mistakes so that they can say "see!!!! I told you!!!"

Nightingale, we intend to go for the 6-in-1 when she is 2 mths old... 2 days ago we went for her 4 wks assessment n we did ask the pediatrician if 6-in-1 can be done earlier.. She say 6+ 7 weeks no issue...
Yes exactly, mrs_eg and LittleLady! I feel as if I am answerable to all these people who are trying to tell us how things should be done. Worse is when one person says one thing and another person says the opposite - who do you please?? In the end, hubby and I decide that the best way to handle all this is with a smile, thank them for their suggestions, and WE decide what we want to do. Afterall, we are the ones who are bringing up the child - for better or for worse, we have to be responsible for our actions and bear whatever consequences too. Let's keep our cool! Trying to remember that everyone just wants what they think is best for the baby~ :)

Thanks for the info - yeah I will probably bring her to the ped next week for a review and then will ask about the jab also. Just concerned about bringing baby out to public places before she gets her immunisation and risk her catching some virus. But so excited about wanting to bring her out! hehe~

I think it's normal for men to feel quite helpless,my hubby also said he feels that way - even we mummies do sometimes, especially when my girl cries for no apparent reason, really don't know how to pacify her - important thing is not to discourage him, let him try and both learn the ropes and work together as a team. See the humorous side of things - so what if she poops on your pants because the diaper was not worn properly? Just have a good laugh and learn how to do things differently the next time. Have fun experimenting! :D
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it better to go to ocean on weekdays, weekend super crowded.
Cheong Choon is just the next blk only, two buildings are linked.

Cheong Choon Store (Closed on Sunday)
Blk 34, #03-132
Upper Cross Street
Tel: 6532 3855 (no answer call after 6pm)


will go take a look :Dancing_tongue:


Yes, this is the shop i went but there are some item they dont carry or slightly cost more, then i will head to wah lee at the cornor. If wanna get J&J shower foam try get it from Swanston @ level 2, selling at $5.80 if not wrong.

Nearby, there is a shop (Cheong Choon) selling baby stuffs, i also like to go there to check the price out.
is this Swanston Chinatown same as level 2 Swanston as address seem different?
101 Upper Cross Street
#01- 17 People's Park Centre S058357


So! Now all the September mummies have been mummies for a while~ let me ask you all this: what is the most useful thing you have purchased for your baby?

For me, the most useful item is the cheapo $29 netted bouncer - my baby's favourite place for naps! And it is so practical in this hot weather and easy to wash, compared to all the other expensive rockers and bouncers that we have tried - I have Baby Bjorn, Chicco and McClaren hand-me-down ones but all cannot compare to this cheap bouncer! I find this so amusing!


Active Member
So! Now all the September mummies have been mummies for a while~ let me ask you all this: what is the most useful thing you have purchased for your baby?

For me, the most useful item is the cheapo $29 netted bouncer - my baby's favourite place for naps! And it is so practical in this hot weather and easy to wash, compared to all the other expensive rockers and bouncers that we have tried - I have Baby Bjorn, Chicco and McClaren hand-me-down ones but all cannot compare to this cheap bouncer! I find this so amusing!
I wanted to mention my 3 days old yaolan/sarong (ya i gave in n decided to try it out...), but i think it is too early to comment... Baby does sleep a tiny bit longer but if compared to carrying the baby, my gal still sleep longest if im carrying her... Tiring!

I think my most frequently used item have got to be the olden days cloth diapers... So useful... Use it as blanket, swaddler, bath towel, .... No time to bath? Put it over ur shoulder b4 carrying my baby... I line it on the stroller too b4 laying her down... It is also easy to wash n quick to dry too... :)


Haha hey I bought a yaolan 3 days ago too! Seems to work quite well but am trying not to depend too much on it so we still let baby sleep on the bed or cot in the day. Doesn't seem to make a big difference to length of nap - just that it is cooler to sleep in the yaolan.
Your girl sleeps when you carry her.. You mean she wld wake when you put her down?


Active Member
Haha hey I bought a yaolan 3 days ago too! Seems to work quite well but am trying not to depend too much on it so we still let baby sleep on the bed or cot in the day. Doesn't seem to make a big difference to length of nap - just that it is cooler to sleep in the yaolan.
Your girl sleeps when you carry her.. You mean she wld wake when you put her down?
sort of...
sometimes put her down 5-10 mins later... she will realise and she will wake up........... :embarrassed:
especially one the cot...

if yaolan... sometimes she will sometimes wont.... still monitoring...

if carrying her... go out... sit car... wat ever movements... she still sleep very soundly... today put her in stroller walk ard compass point... not too long after... abt 15-20mins later, she wake up again...
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you stay around sengkang too? me too!!
i am not sure if it works for you, but my girl sleeps better when she is placed face down.

same here, i think the cloth nappy is cool...can be use for anything..like what you mentioned...over the shoulder, as a cool blanket...
come to think of it...i think the most useful item will be OUR BREAST PUMPs...we use it every 3-4 hours interval each day. haha.


New Member
you stay around sengkang too? me too!!
i am not sure if it works for you, but my girl sleeps better when she is placed face down.

same here, i think the cloth nappy is cool...can be use for anything..like what you mentioned...over the shoulder, as a cool blanket...
come to think of it...i think the most useful item will be OUR BREAST PUMPs...we use it every 3-4 hours interval each day. haha.
hmm... agree with the nappy cloth... use them for loads of things... even use it for daily change of crib overlay. I think the sterilizer is the pure winner for me! and of cos my carrier is my life saver when my boss refuse to sleep... i will jus slip her in and zzz-land for her and free hands for me!
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New Member
sort of...
sometimes put her down 5-10 mins later... she will realise and she will wake up........... :embarrassed:
especially one the cot...

if yaolan... sometimes she will sometimes wont.... still monitoring...

if carrying her... go out... sit car... what ever movements... she still sleep very soundly... today put her in stroller walk around compass point... not too long after... about 15-20mins later, she wake up again...
once we went out on the stroller around hougang mall. after feed, she slept from 3pm all the way till the moment we got home which was 9pm!!! hahaha... we were all joking abt how much she enjoy going out tat she would miss her feed!


i am not sure if it works for you, but my girl sleeps better when she is placed face down.
Very interesting - mine too! At first we were quite worried about lying her on her front, but she really does sleep better and longer! She doesnt startle as frequently in this position. We also lie her on her side to pat her bumbum when we wanna put her to sleep sometimes.

How are your babies' sleeping patterns at night now? Sometimes my girl is able to take her last feed at 1am and wake for the next feed at 6am for 2 nights - then sometimes she wakes every 2 hours to feed, fuss, or change diaper. @.@ Any tips or tricks to make her sleep longer throughout the night?

and of cos my carrier is my life saver when my boss refuse to sleep... i will just slip her in and zzz-land for her and free hands for me!
Mecole, which carrier are you using? I am using the Ergo sport but my girl seems to get very warm inside and would tend to fuss a bit, even in an air-conditioned shopping mall. Or maybe I didn't adjust her snugly enough against my body?
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Active Member
you stay around sengkang too? me too!!
i am not sure if it works for you, but my girl sleeps better when she is placed face down
Haha.... Tis is true.... But my dear daughter prefers me to carry her chest to chest instead of face down on the bed... She gets pretty unsettled... It is wierd though tat she prefers my bony chest to the cushy bed... Hahaha