EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Huh I m not a fan of Facebook Le.... Can we still keep this forum active?

Felicity... Can u handle e bb? 1st day baby was so guai... Din cry at all.. Then 2nd day baby starts to cry.. Got e nurse to give some formula cos baby lips like so dry... Hubby n I totally clueless.. Also dunno if baby is hungry or not. Totally dunno how to handle n carry my boy.. Like So fragile !!

My milk still dun hv... Attended their class just now. was helpful but still baby cry also dunno if he's hungry or wat.. N my hands r starting to ache.... Hubby also back n hands achin cos when I breastfeed he'll help to either carry e baby or manuerve my breast to his mouth! Goose I'm such a lousy mother! :( Tml chking out... Soooo worried :( baby cry my heart aches..

Lizzy Jiayou!!!

Nlipeng don't worry ur turn will come very soon! Talk to e baby!!! ;)

Jiayou... milk will come in shortly.. my #1 I also not so early have milk =) Jiayou... my girl cried day 1 lor... but thereafter slowly get use to wat cry is for what .. so no worries


Lizzy, gambate!!!!

Folks, I went for my check up today.. Doctor said i'm 1cm dilated... And man, it's quite pain and uncomfortable when he checked the dilation... And he said he can feel baby's head already!! And it's anytime now... Right now I'm at home, and I have bloody discharge... And I have the urge to poo!!! But no contraction feelings yet!!! Kan cheong ade


nlipeng:686034 said:
Lizzy, gambate!!!!

Folks, I went for my check up today.. Doctor said i'm 1cm dilated... And man, it's quite pain and uncomfortable when he checked the dilation... And he said he can feel baby's head already!! And it's anytime now... Right now I'm at home, and I have bloody discharge... And I have the urge to poo!!! But no contraction feelings yet!!! Kan cheong ade
Wa.. More and more mummies popping! Gambatte nlipeng!


New Member
Hi Mummies! Hope I'm not too late to found this Forum. My EDD is 25Sept. And this is my #2. Just delivered my #1 last year at Mt.E. Anybody at Mt.E as well?


Lizzy, congrats!!!!! So fast.... Oh my... Now I'm so kan cheong ade.. But my discharge has ceased... So probably its false alarm... I'll keep u guys posted....

Welcome pammie!!!


Active Member
Lizzy wow!! Congrats!!! :D

In tmc now visiting relative who just delivered ytd, after sending bb in for jaundice.. Miss my bb already...
Lizzy, congrats!!!!! So fast.... Oh my... Now I'm so kan cheong ade.. But my discharge has ceased... So probably its false alarm... I'll keep u guys posted....

Welcome pammie!!!

bloody discharged it might be ur mucus plug came off. have u told ur gynae? u should be feeling contraction or water burst soon.. but it can be few days after too, different people different reaction. my gf had her mucus plug off and followed by contraction right after.. another friend is few days after the mucus plug out, then she got water burst.. ur time might be soon too.. ^^

lizzy.. congrats on ur new bundle of joy!! update us with pics on the fb group or instagram pls..


Congrats Lizzy!! Look forward to ur updates and pics!!!

Jiayoh nlipeng!! It should be anytime now... but relax and listen to some soothing music to calm your nerves first, and enjoy the quietness now... =P


tummy contracted 2 and a half hours after inducing by drip. 12:53pm i gave birth with my premmature baby (36 weeks) weighing 2.852 :) he's healthy and so stunning! one mord plus to thank, i didnt hv episiotomy :p