EDD September 2013 Mummies

By the way, mummies.. Anyone felt Braxton Hicks (fake contraction) yet? They feel like sudden tightening of your tummy. I'm only at 24wks +, am I getting them too early.. :( worried.


Ok. Hmmm I think I do too!! ESP at night.. Thought its like stretching or muscles.. Is this normal but I duno if its the fake contractions or just normal stomach spasm? :( am worried too.. Week 26 now but had it for a few weeks along too! Can be more than once in a night.


I had braxton hicks for a few consecutive mornings when I was only 17 weeks!! I thought was baby moving but it was the whole stomach cramping and turning super hard. Woke me up from my sleep. Haven't had them back till now. ( 24 weeks 6 days ) Apparently they start as early as 12 weeks but most people don't feel them.


Don't worry too much unless you have bad pain or bleeding or leaking fluid. Braxton hicks are actually the body's way of preparing you for labour.

A mummy

Yes, they do. But I don't think anyone will find that obscene. And the clips are short. They only show what's a correct latch on and how does baby find its own way to the breast.
I see.... I decided not to go for the antenatal class. My gynae said i'll learn after giving birth.Lots of free lactation classes and how to take care of baby etc.Its all provided for free
Do u feel very hot and cannot sleep at night even with Aircon on? Sometimes I can't sleep at all , sometime I sleep throughout, don't know why :(


Me too! Me too! I totally like that. I dont even want blanket now in aircon when I used to cover myself like a cocoon...my hubby is like jaw dropped lor :eek:

mrsvistamio:798949 said:
Do u feel very hot and cannot sleep at night even with Aircon on? Sometimes I can't sleep at all , sometime I sleep throughout, don't know why :(


I'm in the aircon almost 24hrs! Plus the weather is so bad now. Sigh.

I used to be able to sleep a lot but now will wake up very early. Super sian cos I'm not working so can sleep in. And I don't take naps cos I realize I feel sick after naps. Dunno why.


New Member
sigh my baby is still not head down.. i hope he will be a good boy and head down soon. need to talk to him everyday. i can feel his kicks at the bottom of my stomach still...


Is it too early or late to engage a CL for Sept now?

Couldn't decide earlier whether to engage or not cos we do have a helper to wash and all. Now we need someone to prepare the confinement meals.
Need some suggestions from you mummies. Whats the best solution to this? Should I get a CL?

Any CL to recommend?


Is it too early or late to engage a CL for Sept now?

Couldn't decide earlier whether to engage or not cos we do have a helper to wash and all. Now we need someone to prepare the confinement meals.
Need some suggestions from you mummies. Whats the best solution to this? Should I get a CL?

Any CL to recommend?
You should confirm the CL now! I called so many and they were all full for Sept. I don't have any to recommend as they are already taken. Plus all our due dates are close so chances are, you should ask your friends or relatives to recommend. If necessary, do call up an agency. My friend had a good experience with them.