We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
ask your hubby to eat dragonfruit...must be the one with red flesh...

his friend also ttc-ing told my hubby to...then they got pregnant...they tried more than a year....so last month, my hubby bought a few from NTUC to eat...and we got it....not sure if it's concidental....but no harm since dragonfruit contains so much fibre...helps their bowel movements too
ooo time to buy some fruits!!


Active Member
Wa! I had such a busy Friday!

Oooo - is this the Chinese medicinal hall at taka b2? I have been taking super ginger tea but don't know if good or not. Don't mind trying a better brand.

Hey bbhope80 - 2 years is a long time ago. Suggest you check again. For example doc found a polyp at entrance of my cervix in sept and it was blockin all the spermies. If I didn't do this check i would have been bd-ing to no success.

Dragonfruit should be another item we should put on bulk discount list. :p

My gynae gives dates to bd. and when not to bd. if anyone intends to see gynae best to see between 8th and 11th day. So that when gynae does the scan can see size of eggs and tell u state of your womb business. I mean that is how my gynae works la.

Rain! How to go home like that!
TVH I'm so going to supermarket to grab those dragon fruit.. Luckily my hub loves to eat them but we actually stop eating most fruits after consulting Dr Su.


New Member
Littlej, do u mean I should do all the test all over again? :( what did your gynae do about the polyp? Sorry the scan to see the egg is invasive or just scan the tummy? How often do u suggest to see your gynae?

What is aphrodisiacs? V chim word! I will go check dictionary!


Active Member
aphrodisiacs = some supplement or food substance that hightens your mood ;) for... ^^ like make u horny lo.
and normal ultrasound over the tummy can see the egg already ;)


bbhope80:759195 said:
Littlej, do u mean I should do all the test all over again? :( what did your gynae do about the polyp? Sorry the scan to see the egg is invasive or just scan the tummy? How often do u suggest to see your gynae?

What is aphrodisiacs? V chim word! I will go check dictionary!
Aphrodisiacs are things that make u have the mood for happy happy!! Hehe..


Active Member
My sinseh asks me eat more eat more fruits. Her powder are heaty ba. That's why encourage me to eat more fruits. But now that my office has moved, no canteen :( Hard to get my daily fruit dosage.

Just done with shopping and dinner and gonna go home nua and then bd. Herherher.


Active Member
Hey bbhope80 - hmm, given you have been ttcing for a year and your last checkup was 2 years ago so that is why I suggested you do another check. For me - I first had polyps 5 years ago which I removed under a day op. subsequently I had checks half yearly. At my last half yearly checkup in oct - doc found another polyp at the cervix which was removed. Doc then told me no wonder my ttc efforts from July onwards not successful cuz spermy met blockage! My checkup includes a full Pap smear and vaginal ultrasound. I saw my original gynae in dec, in mid dec i saw another gynae because my original gynae kept asking me to go for iui and i wasnt comfortable. My second gynae then also did vaginal ultrasound and he told me to see him again in jan if af comes cuz he wants to see af's flow.

So I guess it really depends on you. I think no need to be as kiasu as me to see gynae so often. But I think every woman whether ttc or not - as long as sexually active, should do an annual Pap smear and ultrasound.


Active Member
Do aphrodisiacs work? Hahaha me and my best friend used to have oysters with wine but we tend to go home feeling sleepy not in the mood for bd :p hmm maybe we drank too much.


Hi all, any suggestions for foods to prefer and foods to avoid during menses so as to prepare the body for a good healthy cycle and healthy conception?
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