We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Wow you girls can form a la la dui. Thanks for cheering me on. Hehe.

Good morning to you! Later I POAS again. If it does get very dark, then I have wronged the opk. Sorry sorry, Mr David OPK.
congrats !!!!!! you will Ovulate within 12 - 36 hours after first positive.... so you can consider testing again the next day... Some women got up to 3 days of positive OPK
better BD for consecutively 3 days after first positive O... this is what i read from the sperms meet eggs plan for ladies to conceive... good luck to you !!!

Sperm Meets Egg Plan | Two Week Wait - Trying to Conceive and Pregnancy Community


for my Longan red dates, i use Slow cooker to boil, and it is much more convenient for me than watching the fire too... :)
Hi all, any suggestions for foods to prefer and foods to avoid during menses so as to prepare the body for a good healthy cycle and healthy conception?

maybe you can check with a t.c.m. sinseh.
my t.c.m. advised to avoid cold food and drinks.
and to drink black sugar + red date + ginger tea during Menses... because during menses our body is cooling...
u can start taking folic acid now since you are trying to conceive.. most ladies here took the blackmore multi-vitamins which seems good too.
Try to sleep early everyday and wear socks to sleep... good luck !! :)


@ TVH, superwomancqy, faithmummy - thank you for your suggestions

I completely agree regarding the consumption of soya milk. It affects directly the harmones personally in my case. When I consume it just for two days or so, it delays my menses by 2-3 days..have experienced few times already..now that we are planning to TTC, I am going to stop it altogether..luckily my hubby doesn't like soya milk, so no issues on his side for soya milk..

I bought walnuts after reading on this forum that it is good for TTC :). Me and my hubby both love walnuts so TTC is a good and a happy reason to have it frequently..:) just for info, I bought walnuts from Mustafa, it costs around $22-23 for 1 kg packet..

I am taking folic acid and calcium + vitamin d3 supplement since 1.5 months..after I finish my current stock, I am planning to shift to Blackmores..

I am of Indian origin so the whole concept of TCM is quite new and interesting for me..but I can relate to all the info as in India also there is 'Ayurveda' which is traditional herbal medication..

Is it ok to drink the gold kili red dates tea coz I am hearing about the red date tea for the first time on this forum only so not sure how to do it.
I also bought raw red dates to consume just like that, heard that it is good for haemoglobin level, also pomegranate too is good for it..

Have a nice weekend ladies!! :)

i am not too sure about gold kili red dates tea... but i think it is an instant red dates tea, right?
for me i preferred to drink the freshly brew one... (with dried red dates, black sugar and old ginger during menses)
however heard from some sisters here mentioned that if your body is of the heaty type, better not take the tea too frequently.
but my t.c.m mentioned before since our body is cooling during menses, we can drink it during the period.

oh walnuts is good especially for guys' troops hehe :)
for gals, they are good for smoothening the "Qi" flow in your body :)
good luck to you !!!!


My hubby said there's no such thing as dragonfruit red flesh :/ where to find ladies ??

Mrs AF is here, new cycle for me today. I think I'll add EPO from today.


I have tried the goldkili instant lrd tea. It tastes very artificial. I personally don't like it as it tastes like syrup water. I still prefer boiling it.

Tricky, my hubby got it from ntuc last mth. Maybe it is seasonal...not to sure also...can try other supermarkets if they have?


@ faithmummy

Noted regarding the instant red dates tea..
As far as I know about my body, it is not that heaty type..Let me see if I can try to make it myself fresh..

Regarding the cold drinks, my throat is very sensitive so I don't drink soft drinks probably just once or twice in a month..I don't drink coffee or tea too, milo is my potion :) even ice milo I always order less ice and finish it soon..at office, i always have hot milo..
But whenever I have milk at home, I prefer the cold one from the carton out of the fridge than the warm one so I guess need to see if I can have it at room temperature from now on..


Active Member
yes there is.
if you dont mind, go wet market ask from uncle/auntie they will sell u. otherwise it may not be in season.


Active Member
Thanks for the good link, faithmummy. I think my opk last night is not a positive yet right? Must be as dark as the test line right? I will test twice (maybe thrice since I suspect i have short LH surge) from today to see if it gets any darker. I will test my first opk today at noon when im home from my morning errands.

Oh soya milk no good for ttc? I drink it at least once every other day.


Active Member
hey everyone, dragon fruit farm singapore ;)

sorry !! dragontail, as i was using phone, i think i didn't see any picture u attached...
later i will go see...
but yes, it must be as dark or darker than control line.
Just try again today... try around 11 am in the morning, then in the afternoon maybe 2 pm too....
sometimes LH surge just come and go and many women didn't get to catch it... so no worries if u didn't catch it.
the link was shared by the other forum by one lady... it was said to work very well for some t-t-c-ing couples.....

actually i am not sure how soya milk affect t-t-c
but i remember Dr Su advised me not to drink soya milk.

my hubby love drinking fresh milk too since young.
but Dr SU also advised him against drinking fresh milk because the sperms he produced will be affected and if persist on drinking, future kids will have asthma or coughing issues.
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Soya bean milk contains alot of estrogens, which is a female hormone. If hubby drinks too much, it will affect his testosterone level and his sperm count.
For the female, because you need a high level of progesterone in your 2ww which is an essential part of getting pregnant and supporting pregnancy (and in your 2ww, estrogen level should drop and progesterone level should rise), too much estrogen in your body actually suppresses the production of progesterone. My gynae confirmed this fact too.

I used to drink soya bean milk from Mr Bean for breakfast everyday without fail until I read about this.Since then, I have not't drunk any since. I must say I suffered from soya bean milk withdrawal symptoms for a while...haha

The below article should be of interest to you ladies. If you google more, you might be able to find more information concerning soya bean and infertility. So, if any of your hubbies drink soya bean milk daily, it's time to stop completely!

Soya Beans Good For Health But Not For Sexual Health

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tricky, for your information..the red flesh looks like this....it's more common to find the white flesh dragonfruit, perhaps the red one is seasonal...

I've found a link that illustrates the correlation between dragonfruit and men's fertility...looks like a lengthy research piece but these few sentences should be informative enough.

"Dragon fruit (Hylocereus co*staricensis*[HC]) plays an important role as a fertility agent due to its antioxidant and anti*proliferative properties. The main aim of the present study was to identify the effects of ethanol extract of HC on sperm quality and histology of the testes."

"Oral administration of HC extract showed an increased sperm count, sperm viability, and its production rate."

"Studies have shown that both the flesh and peel of the fruit are rich in polyphenols and also good sources of antioxidants [3]. Many investigators have moreover, reported that dragon fruits have a potent antioxidant activity."

"Results of this study demonstrated that daily consumption of HC extract for 25 consecutive days increased the cauda epididymal sperm count and sperm viability."

I think that's all that we need to know :)

If you are interested, you can read the link below.

Indmedica - Biomedical Research


Tricky I just bought red dragon fruit from ntuc yesterday but i have yet to cut them.. Saw that there were 2 sources of dragon fruit and those labeled red are more expensive..


Active Member
Morning everyone.

Wa that is a lot of research going on first thing on sat morning. :)

I don't particularly like soya bean. But I love chin chow! But chin chow too Liang so darn I haven't had chin chow for very long. Actually I also haven't had teh o for very long too.

I never see red dragon fruit before. Only white. And shiok to eat with sng buay powder (am I weird).

Dragontail - catch the o on the stick!


Active Member
Oh I normally boil my lrd using fire. Cuz I don't have a slow cooker.

Anyway happy soul - suggest you boil it fresh.

Sigh - I have many red dates and longan now - think I need to slowly finish them - don't think I can buy the ready made ones now.

Raining again :(


Active Member
I find red dragonfruit is yummier than the white. The white one kinda bland though that's why you need the suan mei fen!

Actually I still drink teh o kosong once or twice a week. In fact I just had a cup of cappuccino ( I dont really coffee in the first place) because I had a merry breakfast gathering with friends and I was offered a cup. Dr wu doesnt stop me from tea coffee. She said can drink. Moderation and 1-2hrs apart from her powder. So I dont deprive myself lo.