We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Some fruit drinks stall also has Red dragonfruit too. This it's cos of the nice colour ba

I am so afraid of soya milk lol. I find it smells and tastes horrid.. if I drink I will puke it out.and even walk pass Mr bean or any bean store I will feel nausea and need quickly walk away :x hubby says I'm the weirdest person on earth lol . And this includes tofu, soya beancurd and taukua


I have also read similar article regarding the harmones in the soya beans..
I have experienced personally too as it disturbs the cycle, I love to have it so get tempted and drink once or twice in a month but still those few times affect so will avoid from now on..:(


Active Member
Hee hee little hamster - u are so cute.

Oooo dragontail - mine is self imposed. I figured since caffeine is not encouraged I might as well one shot cut off from ttc stage. My colleague who is preggers still has a daily cup of teh o or kopi o. I suppose I am just kiasee.

You know what. I just remembered that I first joined this forum on 121212 and I think we were only at page 20 something then. 2 months later so many posts and we are now at page 91! :p


I used to drink mr bean soyabean almost every morning for breakfast wor... Now got to stop too... Find alternative to drink for my breakfast.

Littlej: this thread is very active and move really fast :)


Active Member
Yes yes. This thread is like a bullet train. Nice. Thanks littlehammie for starting this!

Alamak. So coincidental. We are in topic on soya milk and my hubby went to dabao soya milk for me because he knows I love it (without sugar the way I like it). Told him sorry I need progesterone and not estrogen and he looked blur awhile. Lol.

I just pee-peed! Oh the line got darker oh. The top stick is the one I just peed on. Maybe I kiasu abit and opk again at 6 or 7pm. Then another at 12am before I turn in.



Active Member
Thanks everyone joining in too! All the ups and Downs and sharing of info. Great to have everyone here! This is not a lonely experience

Dragontail! U gonna O soon Maybe Later tonight or tmr morning. Tonight or tmr morning can busy again heehee. Remember give him energy back After all the bd lol


tricky, for your information..the red flesh looks like this....it's more common to find the white flesh dragonfruit, perhaps the red one is seasonal...

I've found a link that illustrates the correlation between dragonfruit and men's fertility...looks like a lengthy research piece but these few sentences should be informative enough.

"Dragon fruit (Hylocereus co*staricensis*[HC]) plays an important role as a fertility agent due to its antioxidant and anti*proliferative properties. The main aim of the present study was to identify the effects of ethanol extract of HC on sperm quality and histology of the testes."

"Oral administration of HC extract showed an increased sperm count, sperm viability, and its production rate."

"Studies have shown that both the flesh and peel of the fruit are rich in polyphenols and also good sources of antioxidants [3]. Many investigators have moreover, reported that dragon fruits have a potent antioxidant activity."

"Results of this study demonstrated that daily consumption of HC extract for 25 consecutive days increased the cauda epididymal sperm count and sperm viability."

I think that's all that we need to know :)

If you are interested, you can read the link below.

Indmedica - Biomedical Research
Thanks TVH !! so funny I think I think I read the same study this morning on mice ! anyway we didn't find the red flesh Dragonfruit at NTUC so just went with the white one.

Yah I stopped soya milk completely since TTC but I really love it...
funny thing is I decided to take royal jelly because I have read miraculous stories, and I look at the compo, and I see soya oil...hope won't affect much !!


Active Member
I missed your post earlier, littlej. Is there a chinese hall at b2 taka? The ginger drinks I mentioned is at far right if you face cold storage (not inside CS). That corner sells quite atas merchandise one. I think you will like that ginger drinks too.

Littlehamster, thanks...first time I see opk lines so dark and dont know what's the timeline it might get darkest. So you think it's tonight or tomorrow morn I will o? Gonna bd tonight again and tomorrow either morn or night. Book hubby already :p I also am feeling it as in my o sypmtoms are surfacing.


Active Member
Dragontail - u can bd today then again on mon I guess. Soldiers need time to rejuvenate. Just quoting gynae's advice to bd once every two days.


Active Member
Oh I bd last night midnight. So should I bd tonight or maybe break tonight and bd tomorrow morning instead? Then anymore bd after that?

I think now I know why my last opk never got dark. They were given to me by my sis and I believe she kept them for 2 years or so. Lol no wonder. Expired already la. The current batch I just ordered them one.

Quincy, lololol now the trend is take opk with bag at background? Who started this please own up. :p


Active Member
Hmmm I guess tmr morning?? Hahahah didn't tvh say sperms are freshest in the morning (like buying fish in the market).

But I guess it is up to you lah. If got mood then go for it I guess.


Hahaha Yaya sperms are the most active in the morning. BD tmr morning!!!

Quincy, can drink green bean soup but not too much because It's liang