We are TTC-ing!

Littlej Dr Su advised heaty fruits like durian, mango, longans and cherries. Think oranges and kiwi are classified as cooling fruits in TCM but western docs will say they re rich in Vit C so good for us.

Dragontail I bought the brazil nuts at Heartland Mall ( a mini store that sells nuts n preserved fruits just outside Cold Storage) at $3.90 per 100g. Think cold storage has it but I didn't see any when I was there..

Littlehamster I don't know abt pregnancy test kit too but I'm hoping its positive news for you!


Active Member
Thanks for the info there. Will hunt for it tomorrow. I do love all kinds of nuts!

I suddenly remember I still have a box of OPK cheapy strips. Found out I left 7 sticks. Just POAS and saw a very very very (you get the drift) faint line. According to my last OPKing, the line never got dark at all, even though my BBT confirmed I've O-ed. I reckon those strips never get dark on me. But that was the first time I used it so not sure if it's always the case. But whole day I've been drinking a lot of water...I'm about to finish my 3rd litre already. So not sure if the result has anything to do with my diluted output. I will OPK next few days!
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Fiona Pea Chan

New Member
Try using baby planner ap to check your ovulation date. Hubby n I used this. I would say its accurate. Cuz hubby n I only BD twice during e ovulation period n I'm pregnant now.

I'm not too sure about drinking three litres of water though. Rem that I read an article that a lady drank too much water n turned blind.... Scary...


Active Member
I had an MC in Dec and havent got my AF yet so this month is kinda messed up. I am at my CD24 today but usually I should have O-ed around CD19. Dont think any app can help me at this cycle :( But my O symptoms I feel are very strong these couple of days.

Ya, all these weird stories... Anyway i need the water to help me clear up my breaking out skin. Usually I stop at 2 litres.


Active Member
Morning everyone:)
Ok I am going to make a trip to the supermarket after work.

Quick question- how to make Longan red date tea? Must boil or can just throw everything in hot water? And throw how many?

Second question - dang gui and ba zhen confirmed not allowed? My mum boils soup for me weekly now so if confirm cannot I tell her to exclude those herbs. Cuz my mum insists that they are ok cuz that was what she took when she was trying to conceive me (many years ago...)!


good morning!
wow the threat is so fast moving over the weekends!
haha my longan red date tea...i just rinse the red dates and longan, then throw all into water and boil ..... throw how many- i agar agar one.

superwomancy-did u get pimple outbreak when take Dr Su's ovulation powder? i havent go back and see her..intend to go back when AF arrives...


Active Member
Good morning my t-c-c buddies.

It’s up to you how much you wanna put for the longan drinks. Cook for first round and you adjust from there to your taste. During my confinement, my m-i-l mixed the red dates with black dates. I think the latter makes the drink tastes even better (to me). She says black dates are more “por” than red. Yes please wash the longan and dates one round before throwing them into the pot. Once water boils, simmer for 20-30mins. Alternatively, if you have a one-litre thermal flask, you can pour the two ingredients into it and add hot water. Do it in the morning for work and within 3hours you can drink it already. That’s a quick alternative for busy working ladies.
Littlej I followed the recipe for LRD tea online:

Water: 500ml
Red dates: 10pcs
Longan: 10pcs
Rock sugar: to taste

Firstly, boil the water till boiling point. Then throw in red dates for 10 mins with simmering fire. Next will be longans and rock sugar. Simmer for abt 20-30 mins.

The drink is heaty in nature so if you re drinking it during your menses, substitute longans with black sugar. Can get all the ingredients from Hock Hua :)

Poohy didn't really get much pimples outbreak when drinking Dr Su's ovulation powder but do drink more water since its heaty too.. You ve outbreak from it? Can be due to hormonal change too..


Active Member
Poohy - I bought the book! (One of the "oh af is here so I better do something for next cycle" item :p)

Ok I will pop by Greenwich mall after work later. They got nuts and nibbles as well as a Chinese medicinal hall.

Shucks I only have the Starbucks flask double walled - dont think that is thermal right?

my T.C.M. told me that I can drink Bazhen during 2WW... but another friend's T.C.M. said cannot... so I would rather follow the one who say cannot, to play safe

for Longan Red date tea

I just grab a handful of Longans, Red Dates and Wolfberries + Slices of Ginger and Throw into Slow Cooker, Boil for 2 - 3 hours
i did not follow any standard Measurement... i just grab a handful which is roughly the quantity i desired....
I used medium size Slow cooker.


Active Member
Hmm - anyone knows if raffles place sells these nuts and longan and red dates? If can then I can go buy during lunch!


Active Member
Wa I don't have slow cooker at home leh...

And I am the lazy sort... The thermal flask idea sounds good!

Usually boil one round can keep how long? Can like boil one time then keep one week - ie put in fridge and before drink just heat up or put hot water ?


Superwomancy- yar somehow this month hoh.....whole body weird! Dry...cant' seems to find my O-ed date, both sides crampy ...then stop cramps....then now cramp again. More pimples than usual......:embarrassed:.

Today CD31- crampy...lets see if AF reports...

littlej- hahhaa what else did the book say? issit good? (okay, i'm in the mindset of...'oh af is here.what should i do next' mentality!hahahahaha oppssss)

I didnt use slow cooker to boil...i use normal pot to boil for 20-30mins and drink. If cannot finish, i put inside fridge then next day drink (i didnt even warm it up..opps).


Active Member
Well the book was quite useful in showing exact pix of cm and how to identify. Also shows various examples of charts and how to identify.

Actually it is pretty much what is discussed here. But I bought cuz that time I haven't got into this forum. You can actually check on the website "tcoyf dot com"

I have another book - "making babies: a proven three month plan for maximum fertility". (yes another of "af is here" purchase). i thought this book more interesting and gives you specific to dos. This is an ebook - pm me if you want more details.

I just bought chicken essence from 7-11! *gulped a bottle*
littlej I use a normal pot to boil the tea and then pour it into the thermal flask so I can drink it hot the whole day. I usually boil about 1-1.5l each time and finish the tea on the very day. There are several brands of instant LRD tea in the market too and there's this brand from Taiwan highly recommended in another forum. Only available from TeaBox (outlets in Sembawang Shopping Centre & Jurong Point).
Poohy What is your average normal cycle length? You want to consult Dr Su about it? I feel mine was dry too this month but I'm not taking the ovulation powder thus month so not much hope too for me.


Active Member
ohh no no. Try not to eat/drink overnight foodies. Consume that one litre flask within a day. If really cant finish, dont keep. Make what's enough for a day.

I've been thinking of your passion fruit latte all days long so I just ordered one from coffee bean!

I just went to guan yim temple pray pray. And I remember there's a big stall near here which sells dried food stuff. How could I forget. Just bought almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, figs, cranberries. I think cant get any cheaper elsewhere. Almond $1 per 100g. Brazil $2. Cranberries $1.60.

you are referring to below post in another forum, right?
actually i am the one who started introducing this product in The other forum

" Just want to share to those who are drinking LRD..
there is one convenient product , popular in taiwan which compresses all natural ingredients in cube form..(dried longan, old ginger, red dates, wolfberries, black sugar)..
No need long hours or overnight brewing anymore.... put a cube to dissolve with boiling water, u can make about four cups of LRD.... it is easy, convenient and instant while not losing the natural benefits... i ask dr su and she say this product is as good as the LRD that we brew from scratch... it is called 黑糖系列, with the above mentioned five natural ingredients.... but so far, we will only manage to find in sembawang shopping centre taiwan food shop... u can take free shuttle service from yishun mrt to reach the shopping centre.... this is for sisters who are busy to brew LRD from scratch...

They have website too.

I tried to upload picture but keep failing...
but u can see the picture in the website..
when u go to the shop, make sure u buy the right 黑糖系列 with 黑糖, 姜母, 构杞, 桂圆, 红枣。。 packaging is red color

One packaging consists 10 cubes..which means can brew 10 days..
one cube can brew four cups depending on how much u want to dilute it..
One packaging of ten cubes cost $10"