We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Sunshine yes 4pm is positive.

Did you bd yesterday?

For my this cycle, I had my positive on wed. I bd on tue and wed. Planning to bd tonight but think unlikely hubby can make it. So I just count on this 2 sessions only.


New Member
Dragontail, we bd yest afternoon.. plan to bd tonite and prob say tmr noon? Is de gap too close? Hb flying off tmr evening! So i guess tts de best for this cycle le..


Active Member
I read alternate days are the best. Even my fertility specialist told me if we were to bd consecutively say 4 days, end of it his sperms might be too weak already.

I think since your hubby is leaving, just hoot those dates u planned!


New Member
Ya lo alternate days not so xiong too. But din xpect opk to b positive during de period he is travelling. Sigh.
How long will this surge last? If say tmr test and line is fainter, does it mean i wld hv already O'ed tdy?


Active Member
Once you get a positive, your egg is going to pop in the next 12-36 hrs. So I read it's actually best you bd just before positive (soldiers need hours and even days to swim up to the egg) .


Active Member
Sunshine one cannot determine exactly when she o because the guideline is that she will o 12-36 hrs after a positive opk. After all everyone is different. Even you may have 3 days positives, I read we should count from the first positive.

But if one does bbt charting, the mobile app may be able to tell you roughly which day you have ovulated.


Active Member
Hmmmm, just say its the woman's intuition I been opk few mths I roughly know. N my cycle very regular. I o on cd19, 31-33 days cycle


For me usually I'll monitor opk together with my ewcm (egg white cervical mucus )

I'll bd once I get watery discharge and at the same time start my opk.
Usually the next day or two will get positive opk and ewcm


Active Member
I agree ewcm is the best sign to start bd. Last time ewcm could last 3 days. Now usually just one day :( I start bd at first sign of ewcm and indeed about 1-2 days later I will get positive opk.

Some ladies don't get ewcm so harder to catch. I think the "rule" is good that after af, have sex 2-3x a week. That should catch the o. But then these days also hard to be impromptu. ...


Hello all....

hope everyone well today.... I just discharged from hospital two days ago due to severe vomiting, sianzzz eat vomit, no eat vomit...24hr nonstop... Admited for three days for drips n jabs....now on mc resting at home. Hopefully my sickness will leave soon....

nevertheless, babydust to all of u! Hugzzz....


New Member
Hmm i noticed ewcm on cd16. Opk + on cd18. But after tt no more le juz watery discharge. Tdy is cd19, line seems as dark as ctrl line. First time using opk...quite blur. Always thought i O ard cd 14. But my temp has been up n down.. quite insignificant.. now wonderg if i really do O.


Active Member
Sunshine take it slow and steady to understanding your body. You just started only. Good luck! hope you strike soon. But if 6months down the road no news, then good to see a gynae.

Lynn, I think you're not near your ovulation. Super faint. Which cd are you on?