We are TTC-ing!


Dragontail: if u normally spot prior af and this mth u dun experience spotting, it cld be good news... for myself, I m usually dry prior af, before i tested, i realized i had creamy white discharge.


hfa: Do start your folic acid now.... if you see doc too early, you wont be able to see anything and this might be kindda worrying, speaking frm experience...
Thanx msyoyo!
Maqisa, I hv been taking folic acid for a year plus, waiting for this day :)
i intend to go gynae in 2 weeks time...will it still be too early? I shld b 6weeks then (although shld b 4weeks after O).


Active Member
Thanks Maq. I keep an open mind that no AF still not out of the game!

HFA, I used to also think since cant see anything on scan, no need to see doc. But due to my past MCs, I prefer to go see doc straight away because I might need some booster to keep the pregnancy going. That’s for my case. Go see one and have a peace of mind until 2-3weeks later then do a scan.
dragontail, u got a point. I shall call and see when they want to see me. I rem I had some progesterone boost as well previously. since my line is so light, prob is cos my progesterone not high enuf?


Active Member
Most of the time, gynaes don't want to see till after 6 weeks. But when you call, do tell them you have concerns and it's due to past mc. They may take you.

As for the intensity of the line on the hpt, I don't think it's an indication of progesterone level. Best get doc to check.


Active Member
HFA why do you mean by very bad? Hee. I don't care lor...I just want to make sure I'm checked and attended to. The rest doesn't matter already. For my case I will pick my fertility doc if once bfp just to get booster. After that then will see my gynae at kkh for other routine checks.


OooOoh.. siao liao.. I put mine in the fridge, then I take it out and leave it in room temp for a min or 2 then I buay tahan, and took a few sip...

think dun take coffee and tea (esp green tea coz its very liang) for now.. though some gynae will say its ok jus dun exceed 2 cups per day.

I quit coffee when I started ttc and I barely take tea... aft I had my bfp, I dun touch tea at all.


I wanna confess.. actually I m super addicted to cold drinks... lately I tried to cut down and force myself to drink warm water instead... but when I cant take it anymore, I will drink ribena (I lurve soda drinks, esp Mug RootBeer..)


Active Member
Don't know how true about cold drinks no good for that fellow in the tum tum. If me, I will lun. I come so far already so better be careful. I don't wish my baby will develop weak lungs!

At least first trime better don't touch. That's just me la.


New Member
Hfa, pardon my kponess. Dr paul is on leave 18-22mar.. tts why prob the nurse gave u a later appt (?) If u feel the need n assurance to get an earlier slot, mayb can consider other gunae ;)


Dragontail, I have very good feeling about u!!
All the best!!
Waiting eagerly for more bfp news to come

Hfa, my friend also had past mc experience she went to see Dr L N Sim once she's pregnant , She put her on very strong progesterone pill
Lucky I hv been well trained on cold drinks ever since I started Tcm. I generally drink warm.
ya Dragontail I think u stand a very good chance with spotting still away! Jiayou jiayou jiayou!
hey sunshine, how do u know Dr Paul's on leave? Ya I guess he is...nurse said he not ard this week.
i m still trying to get LC Cheng...if really can't, I jus hv to wait...