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  1. ross

    Did anyone do Hair Rebonding before due or during confinement period.

    I did try to rebond at 5mths preggy but my hair stylist won't do that for me. It's the chemical that can harm the baby, he told me to be safe than sorry. In the end i did 3 weeks after delivery and he can't say no anymore. :001_302: But i know some still go ahead during 4-5 mths preggy and still...
  2. ross

    What is the earliest stage can find out gender of bb?

    I found out the gender of my baby at 14th weeks and my gynae told me 80% accurate baby gal.... Start shopping for baby girls items at 16th weeks coz very excited :001_302: Details scan at 20th weeks prove he's right.
  3. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Macam dah lama i tak masuk this forum and then tau2 nak ada outing. It's a good idea to go to the beach, easier to communicate and the kids will have more fun. Whose the organiser???.... can count me in ... At this hour i'm still up pasal tengah communicate with my husband about going to...
  4. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Princesses, that's true lah, kalau more than 1 kid mesti kena jimat. Klau kerut dahi better sikit, kalau i mesti pretend buat2 tak tau and then buat muka kesian gitu. Hehe Tension sikit ajer bila kena sound, tapi tetap happy dapat belanja jugak :001_302: Princezz Lotus Welcome! Same i also...
  5. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    EnFlor Haha, i geram sikit wt my hb lah. I tension if he mengomel me shopping for this and that. When i think back, i don't shop much for myself but the baby. He told me i shop for the baby only the things i like. Mesti lah macam my bb tau what she want to buy. But anyway, i pun understand his...
  6. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    I'm happy to meet up again with my friends and ex-colleagues kat Jakarta. Now trying to pack my stuffs yang dah berlambak2 nak angkut balik. Mana yang kirim suruh beli lagi. Dah lah my baggage overweight then my friends ada yg kasi gifts for my daughter plak. Ada yang bulky terpaksa i kena...
  7. ross

    If your husband have affair do u give him a 2nd chance?

    spiralng, the only way to move on is to forgive him and not to mention abt the affair anymore. it's good that he has shown some good improvement, this shows that he still loves you. guys will change if they hv realised their mistake so no points in blaming or start an argumement, the best is to...
  8. ross


    hi, for those mummies who hv brought their kids for the jab, what's the different between 5 in 1 and 6 in jabs? i intend to bring my bb overseas in a few mths time and some told me to get the 6 in 1 coz it's good for her in case she got infected etc. my original plan to get 5 in 1 jab. any...
  9. ross

    Nursing Bra

    i bought both with n underwire but end up using those without underwire bras. for me i feel more comfty without underwire, makes easier for sleeping as well. yeah, nursing bras are just plain coz tried to look for one with design but the salesgirl told me all nursing bras are plain. same like...
  10. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    hello mama ina & grannyvogue welcome to this forum.. i also come to this forum during my preggy days and learn lots of new things. bump into this thread by chance and then start menyibuk ngan all my questions blah blah blah. happy to learn from mummies here and maklumlah, i don't hv mum...
  11. ross

    anyone managed to take care of baby all alone?

    look after my bb all alone. sis look after me on and off for 2 weeks during confinement then start to look after bb alone. my hb posted overseas for work during my preggy days so no help from him either. Am doing fine but mine is normal delivery so within a week can already do the housework...
  12. ross

    When does your stretch mark start appearing?

    never use any stretch mark since day one of my pregnancy. bought it but too lazy to apply. my friends all use it during their first trimester and when compare we still have stretch mark after delivery. But it's all up to individual, some are just lucky that they're free of stretch mark. Mine...
  13. ross

    Will shoulders massage lead to miscarriage??

    hi, i've been doing shoulder & hand massage once during my first trimester and once during my third trimester. My body was aching all over, so opt for that since cannot do full massage. So far, nothing happen to me and just fine, no complication and gave birth safely. But still it's up to...
  14. ross

    How many bb girls & boy in 2009?

    mine is bb girl born @ 15/02/09 :Dancing_wub:
  15. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    lis, when i see your cookies, makin lapar my perut. maklumlah, kat sini hujan lebat, nak keluar pun jalan banjir mana2. Then kat sini takder anything for me to eat, just realised i have eaten all my snack yesterday. Nak taknak terpaksa i order from the hotel, makanan yg simple pun harga mahal...
  16. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Superwoman, Personally I can say that this man is definitely not a good partner. Beating and criticizing is far too much in treating a woman. You’ said that you’re independent woman and I believe you can still be independent without a man like this. Maybe you’re doing this for the kids but you...
  17. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    zhann, talk about daughter, i pun dah miss my daughter. yesterday, dah 10x i call my sister just to listen to her voice. that's true the bond between mother and daughter very strong, cannot describe lah. bestnyer yr hubby help you with looking after your daughter, my hb still kekok and kadang2...
  18. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi superwoman, Don’t feel sad or depressed to think about your probs.I believe there’s always a way out to ease your burden. It’s only a matter of time. Semua orang ada problems in a different ways. Kalau kita fikir kan banyak2 mesti macam nak pecah kepala otak kita. Nak pergi jauh2 also...
  19. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi Mummy Lis, Kat Jakarta memang murah2 kalau u go to the market or pasar malam. Imitation items everywhere and you hv to bargain to the price that you want. I already knew some trick for the bargaining there. I will bargain to the price i want and when they still refused i will pretend to walk...
  20. ross

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi Lis, Happy Birthday to you... Btw, i stayed kat blakang changi village where there's a colonial bungalow. It's at changi golf course and my house betul2 menghadap that golf course. So everyday, dapat lah tengok orang main golf every morning. At nite, very dark and quiet so very peaceful lah...