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  1. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Yes. But sumtimes they find us nagging.
  2. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    tks alot. I will. Now he seems to be much better. At least he noes i dislike him holding hp so he will try not to do so in my presence and try to spend more time with me.
  3. J

    Answer survey and get prizes (vouchers and more)

    Hi, i'm also interested if tis survey still available. my email add is
  4. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    U mean me? I have a gal n a boy. Both of them in pri school.
  5. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    I guess tat's men's problems. No matter how good they treat u bfore marriage, After marriage, everything has changed. They began to take things for granted. They no longer put in more effort in tis relationship or rather marriage. TO them, we won't run away no matter wat cos we will stay by...
  6. J

    How do u overcome the loneliness when hubby is not by your side?

    Me too. My DH often has to travel so i go out with my friends instead of staying at home all times. i sumtimes even ask my mom to come over and stay.
  7. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Tks for ur comfort n concern. Now i no longer sad. Sumtimes he do treat me nice. Anyway i shd concentrate on my children n myself more.
  8. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Yes i do agree with u that wat he did and behave is fishy. But after a "talk", i found out tat he wants a generous not petty wife who suspect too much. Moreover, to him, it's juz a gal. so i give up now completely. Let him do as he wanna.
  9. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Ya. I try not to think soo much and try to believe his words but still i suspect if they meet up after work, if he still call her on the way home etc...but life still have to move on...
  10. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Me too. But now i have to more soft-spoken, gentle and recently he has slight shown some improvement but still i dunno if he still contact her or not. I wanna to trust him but yet my mind can't
  11. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Of course angry but wat to do?? beside tat, i even found out tat gal even open an email acct meant for both of them and the password is baobei. When i log in the mail, there's a pic of both of them which she sent to him. Tat's when i becm alert and realise sumthing went wrong. Both of them...
  12. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel? use cos depend on the DH who willingly to stop contacting her or not. My DH 's hp only has other gals' pic but not mine. so sad...
  13. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Ya, it doesn't work. Instead she acts like good person, kept saying good thing abt me and told my hb to stay away from her and apologise for causing soo much problems. And then i become the "devil" lor. So gals out there, we must act smart instead of hasty. Wat men wanna from gals is...
  14. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Yes i noe wat u mean. but wat he wanna is to hear good things while i say frankly when he confide. Being his wife i of course mean good when i comment frankly. Sumtimes i do wonder y married if each others can't confide in each others.
  15. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Ya i confide in gals. I fully understand ur feelings. At tat time, i was oso very "hot" and can't accept the excuses he gave me so i used his hp and sms tat gal to stay away from him as she caused prob between us. And when she still con't, i called her and scold her.
  16. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    Yes i do agree. i dun feel tat good but then me oso sumtimes like tat too. When i 'm upset, i oso confide in my frenz than to him. But i do let him noe i'm unhappy when he rather confide in other gals than to me.
  17. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    of course i do feel hurt when i hear him saying this to me. But then all my frenz said sumtimes DH dun wish to lose pride in front of me and he dun wish me to worry. However after a good talk with him, he has slightlychanged abit . at least he has no longer chatting with tat gal soo often and he...
  18. J

    Marriage Life After BIG Quarrel?

    I can understand ur frenz's feeling bcoz i oso went thru' the similar thing as her. My DH would always sms to tis colleague of his (a gal) daily even weekends. Of course, i got jealous n suspect too. But until one day, during my confront to him, he mentioned tat he only wants to confide in...
  19. J

    Y there are so many so many unhappy marriage here & quite alot people marry young

    I personally think men dun have to wait till 7 years to itch. They can actually itch anytime they wanna esp with soo much temptation now outside. And i dun agree that married young mean unhappy marriage. Of course, in a marriage, there's always ups & downs. We do squabble but then we patch up...
  20. J

    Y there are so many so many unhappy marriage here & quite alot people marry young

    HI, i'm new here too. I'm a mother of 2 kids who are 10 & 7 years old. I married at the age of 20 and have been married for 10 years. Now i juz turned 31 this year. Of course, we do have some squabbles at times but our love is still strong....he has "occupied" my half of my life. Started dating...