April 09 MTBs!


hi Mummies!

I'm back! I even figured out how to attach photo to my profile.

Actually, I thought I typed out a reply 2 weeks ago. I haven't checked the forum cos recovery took abt 2 weeks - I had this rare side-effect, epidural headache, as well as incredible water retention, not to mention the after- pains & aches. Breastfeeding was a BIG pain. Bleeding nipples....cos baby has big mac appetite (or so I thought, until I read abt other ravenous babies :eek:15: )

My baby was born on 18 April 2009 at almost 41 weeks. I was induced & baby was delivered naturally after a 33-hr labour. I used 5.5 vials of epidural. The nurses at Mt A were so accommodating but most were mildly shocked/surprised to see me still lying there when they returned at next shift!

My gynae also asked me to return in 5 weeks for pap smear. Don't like it. Cos my tempermental cervis may act up again... without epidural, nurses & doc had difficulty putting their fingers down there to measure dilation. Even with epidural, dilation was like 1 cm per two hours!

haiz, I almost had a c-section cos even after waiting so long, baby was in wrong position - too high & facing front & maybe a bit big (53 cm & 3.35 kg) for my size. Fortunately, my gynae managed to get baby out with vacuum and baby heartbeat was good & stable until the last 2-3 hrs.

We're preparing for baby party this coming wkend. Confinement auntie will leave on Sunday. Argh... not sure if I can cope without her... The domestic helper gave quite a bit of problem & attitude. That will take up an entire email.

Fortunately, milk supply is a bit better after I started on fenugreek pills. Appetite has returned. Breastfeeding is more tolerable though it's still painful cos skin keeps tearing.

So far, baby is sweetie. Even her cries sound like a doll.
She has grown. I think she weighs 4kg plus now.

So far, I haven't been waking up at night. Wish us strength!:Dancing_wub:The real race starts then.


My baby was born on 18 April 2009 at almost 41 weeks. I was induced & baby was delivered naturally after a 33-hr labour.
We're preparing for baby party this coming wkend. Confinement auntie will leave on Sunday. Argh... not sure if I can cope without her...

Fortunately, milk supply is a bit better after I started on fenugreek pills. So far, I haven't been waking up at night. Wish us strength!:Dancing_wub:The real race starts then.
Congrats ping26. Mine was also born on 18 april at kkh. Pity i could not try for natural as after 19 hours labour, the contraction dwindled and cervix no longer dialating after 5cm for too long and waterbag already burst. So my gynae decided it is safer for bb n me to go for emergency c-sec.

Same too, we're planning for bb's 1st month this weekend and my confinement lady is also leaving on sunday so i'm thinkg of doing on a Sat so that she can still help out.. heh heh.

How much is ur ger drinking now? I'm also breastfeeding and supply so far ok. Have u tried fenugreek in tincture (aka liquid)? just need to drop 1-2 drops in ur drink if u're tired of popping pills. I was.

Lucky u, I'm waking up at least twice to express my milk or got woken up my bb's cries.


How much is ur ger drinking now? I'm also breastfeeding and supply so far ok. Have u tried fenugreek in tincture (aka liquid)? just need to drop 1-2 drops in ur drink if u're tired of popping pills. I was.
My girl's drinking abt 90 ml per 3-hr feed of BM & FM. My confinement auntie has to work hard for her dough :) cos my milk supply is paltry at abt 40-60+ ml. 3 hrs->40ml, 6-8 hr->50-60+ml. She has to estimate & work out the balance, trying her best not waste FM. She's trying to keep the little one to a 3-hr feed. The little one also falls asleep at breast, breaking into 2-hr feeding pattern at one point. That really threw confinement auntie off.:eek:11:

I don't wake up at night as I've taken the easy way out:001_302: Cos my friends tell me to sleep & rest my back during confinement cos after that, I have to keep waking up! Plenty of time for bonding for next 6 mth.

I figure it'll prob be faster to breastfeed every 2-3 hrs at night than to wake & make FM. Will sleep longer during the day.

I'm ok w popping fenugreek pills as I have a "legit" excuse to gulp water! after starting on fenugreek pills, I feel hungry now (maybe also cos I'm recovering) & I can pump 50ml per 3 hrs now! That's 20-30% more!

I wonder when I can pump 90 ml ? by then baby's probably going to want 120-150 ml. I may never catch up with her appetite :wong19:


Congratulations ping26! :Dancing_wub:
thnks, Sugarcookie.

My mother lives nearby but can't come over regularly cos she has to take care of 2 my nieces - 14 mth & 4 yr-old.

I'm a little nervous as I haven't been taking care of baby. Cos my friends told me to rest until no ache during confinement. For my first mother's day, I spent the whole morning sleeping...

Today I bathed baby for the 1st time. Confinement lady said I did great for 1st-timer. Tmw I will sleep in baby room & start feeding at wee-hrs. The real race starts on Sunday.

I can't rely on my helper as she's quite careless & not teachable, esp when tired. I almost fired her at end of wk after we got back fr hospital. After lots of conference, we decided to keep her so that I can focus on caring for baby for time being. I can't risk baby in her hands.

The most impt thing is to stay happy for baby. I'm telling myself not to stress over helper, baby party & husband.

I really wanted a cute hi-tea party :) But it's turning out to be the relative-bee hoon-curry combi cos I can't starve my guests. I wanted cupcakes, not bangawan solo cards. To satisfy my vanity, I'm going to just waste money & buy lots of peach roses & baby breath to decorate my place & make myself happy!

Thereafter, i will prob send SOS on Mon or Tues to my girlfriends & here. cos I'm not going to get much help fr hubby, mother & helper! MIL loves my girl but she lives so far away... I may have to enlist her help somehow.

crossing 1 slightly stubby leg (still water logged) & 1 slim leg!



Wow Ping, congrats on your very cute baby...

Seems like most of us are going thru the same things now... My CL will also be leaving this Sunday, so the challenge is on. Glad to know that I am not alone in this race... I hope that all of us will score well eh!


Active Member
thnks, Sugarcookie.

I'm a little nervous as I haven't been taking care of baby. Cos my friends told me to rest until no ache during confinement. For my first mother's day, I spent the whole morning sleeping...

Today I bathed baby for the 1st time. Confinement lady said I did great for 1st-timer. Tmw I will sleep in baby room & start feeding at wee-hrs. The real race starts on Sunday.

The most impt thing is to stay happy for baby. I'm telling myself not to stress over helper, baby party & husband.

It will be tough initially but be positive! I'm taking care of baby on my own and sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart but I keep telling myself taking care of babies isn't easy; no one said it was. And take one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself.

As for bathing, you will get better with practice! When I first bathed baby, I was so nervous! I was so worried I would drop or drown her! But as the days pass, you will be a pro!

And yes, the most important thing is to stay happy! :)


Hi Mummies!

thanks for your encouragement!

I'm so happy for you, sugarcookie. You did it!

Is there any exercise I can do to strengthen the back, near pelvic bone? I get a backache when I breastfeed for more than 30 min. I'm not sure if it's cos baby's heavy (she's 4.7 kg now!) or I need more rest.

Still wondering if I should go for the 6-in-one jab or 5-in-one jab... Hope baby's takes it well.



hi ping26

how old is yoru baby? mine is coming to 2 months ans she is already drinking 140ml. My Bm is never enough for her though my colleagues all encourage me to let her latch on as wil have more milk.. but how to right??

lately i realise manual pumping using hands are more efficient and will be able to clear out the milk...

hi cream,how u doing? learn how to shower baby yet?


hi ping26

how old is yoru baby? mine is coming to 2 months ans she is already drinking 140ml. My Bm is never enough for her though my colleagues all encourage me to let her latch on as wil have more milk.. but how to right??

lately i realise manual pumping using hands are more efficient and will be able to clear out the milk
My baby will be 1 mth old next Mon.

Last night, I had to throw away a batch of precious BM again cos it was pinkish/had blood. A fren told me it's alright to drink pink milk but eww ! baby vampire? Already, sometimes I spot blood on the nipple shield. too late to stop her then.

There were times when I wonder how to tahan the pain. She really chomps & I am already using a nipple shield (as advised by nurses cos I have short nipples, making latching more difficult).

BM dries up within 15 min using pump... somehow my little champ can continue sucking loudly & vigorously until it hurts. (Even CL is in awe - my baby can clear any blocked duct) When she starts wailing, it means the well is really dry. CL is on standby & swoops in with another 60-75 ml of FM. (BM measures 50-60 ml these days.)

It's getting easier & more tolerable. I feel v good when I hold & breastfeed her like only 2-3x/day. Press on bit by bit! Take a break when cannot tahan...



hi ping26

hi cream,how u doing? learn how to shower baby yet?
Hi hstan15 and all,

Today I had my first practical lesson to bath baby as my CL will be leaving tomorrow... It is not that bad I think... Just that carrying baby when she is naked is so different from carrying her when she is wearing clothes. I think I would be able to handle this aspect of motherhood with more practice. Just like what sugarcookie said, it would get better with practice.

However, I realised that baby seems to be very used to/comfortable/attached to my CL... when my CL carries her, she would settle down better than when I carry her... So after CL goes back, I believe baby would take some time to get use to me and my scent.

I am working very hard to breastfeed baby but my BM is also not sufficient... I use to be able to pump out 150ml in the morning and about 90ml in the afternoon and evening... but now, I only have 70ml in the morning and 40ml in the other sessions of the day. I do not want to stop BF my baby, but CL told me that it seems my supply is coming to an end. So sad... I am still pumping and squeezing like as if my breast is a packet of macdonald's chilli. Every droplet means alot to me... But I tried all ways and means already... fishbone and papaya soup, eating more fish, drinking milo before I express, latch baby on, express regularly even if it's only 20ml. I thought all these should help, but in my case, it seems like it is not working... I wonder what else I can do. I have not tried fenugreek tho'. I heard that some people will have side effects from consuming it, so I dunno if I should.


hi cream

u use pump ? i realise using hand to squeeze is better. my colleague ever told me as long as we continue to latch on, milk supply will increase. think maybe we should keep pumping even at one hour interval so that our brain will del the message that need to produce more milk.


hi cream

u use pump ? i realise using hand to squeeze is better. my colleague ever told me as long as we continue to latch on, milk supply will increase. think maybe we should keep pumping even at one hour interval so that our brain will del the message that need to produce more milk.
Yes, I am using Avent manual pump... I also went to GNC to buy fenugreek last evening... I hope with this my supply will increase. CL going back in one hour time... sob sob... I have grown so attached to her (weird, should be baby attached to her right?) lol....


Active Member
Yes, I am using Avent manual pump... I also went to GNC to buy fenugreek last evening... I hope with this my supply will increase. CL going back in one hour time... sob sob... I have grown so attached to her (weird, should be baby attached to her right?) lol....
You can do it Cream!!! No "sob sob"!!!


You can do it Cream!!! No "sob sob"!!!
Thanks for the encouragement... I know I can do it eventually... I'm not sobbing cos no one to take care of baby for me... (when I go back to work, my mum will be taking care of baby). Im sobbing cos I miss my CL, she is such a nice lady... the past month had been fun having her around. I could tell she also cannot bear to go back somehow... she kept holding baby even tho it's time to leave cos my hubby is sending her to meet her daughter who is residing in Singapore (before she goes back to M'sia later today). She couldnt stop "sayang sayang" my girl... lol

By the way, are you gals still having the bleeding thing (lochia)? I gave birth for 1 month le and still having that so-called menses... wonder when it would end!
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mine also since pregnant till about 1mth the bleeding stopped but later slowly became like spotting color. than yesterdae the bright red blood came back isit menses come back???
does anyone noes?

Thanks for the encouragement... I know I can do it eventually... I'm not sobbing cos no one to take care of baby for me... (when I go back to work, my mum will be taking care of baby). Im sobbing cos I miss my CL, she is such a nice lady... the past month had been fun having her around. I could tell she also cannot bear to go back somehow... she kept holding baby even tho it's time to leave cos my hubby is sending her to meet her daughter who is residing in Singapore (before she goes back to M'sia later today). She couldnt stop "sayang sayang" my girl... lol

By the way, are you gals still having the bleeding thing (lochia)? I gave birth for 1 month le and still having that so-called menses... wonder when it would end!


Active Member
mine also since pregnant till about 1mth the bleeding stopped but later slowly became like spotting color. than yesterdae the bright red blood came back isit menses come back???
does anyone noes?
Me!!! I'm also wondering is it my period???? I've stopped breastfeeding so I suspect it is...for my case at least...

Ros Teo

New Member
Yeah, we really should be more positive. Motherhood would definitely be a happier experience! Regarding breastfeeding, I keep telling myself that it isn't easy and should things turn out not as well as I hoped it would, feeding formula wouldn't make me a bad mother.

Hi sugarcookie,

Wonder if you still remember me? My baby girl was born on 4 April. What about your baby?