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    WTS: Enfapro A+/Enfamil A+ stage 2 (30x600g selling at $15 each pack without box)

    Still available. Price can negotiate.
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    WTS: Enfapro A+/Enfamil A+ stage 2 (30x600g selling at $15 each pack without box)

    Hi Mummies, Above-mentioned item available for sale. The milk powder bought from Thailand. PM if interested.
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    Enfapro A+/Enfamilk powder

    Hi mummies, I have excess Enfapro A+ milk powder (30 packs x 600g) to sell due to my baby not suitable. PM me if you keen. Thanks!
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Hi! I've been following the thread for long time already but always busy taking care my baby and her sister which is coming to 2 years old next year jan. Tired everyday... My 2nd baby is 15 weeks old now. How I wish I'm there too to join all the sept mummies group! So nice by seeing all the cute...
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Kary & camcamwhambam - have a smooth delivery! Update us your birth story.
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Congrats! Yeoymp! Very smooth delivery. My baby girl is older than your boy by 10 days! Same as the 1st one. :-)
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Congrats to lingz, rodorsany & mrs Liaw! Have a smooth delivery, reiann! Awaiting your birth story! :-)
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Eeneyminey - From cityhall to kallang? I think tat is a lot! Hope u have a smooth delivery. :-) update us when u deliver.
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Yeoymp, Haha, Update us when you deliver. Good luck to you!
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Kary - jia you to you! Every mummy is brave and tough. Yeoymp & sapphire - my first labour was short too, start some mild pain ard 6 pm, contraction more closer at 7 pm, like 15 mins interval followed by few drops of water and pinkish discharge. Then go for shower and dinner then heading to...
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Yeoymp - wow, my 1st child was born on 14 jan 11, wat abt yours? My due date for my 2nd 1 is 30 sep, how i hope she can wait and come out by 38 weeks, but she decided to come out earlier ^^ Purpur - don't worry, you know your body better, you'll know when your little one decided to come out...
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Hi Yeoymp, My first child is 20 months. Yes, although I have fully dilated but still need go through contraction.. Have a smooth delivery!
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Hi everyone, My baby girl was born on 6.9.12 at week 36 weeks 4 days and my birth story as below: 5.30 am - woke up because have some stomach pain like diarrhea and I went to toilet, nothing, tired and go back to sleep. 7.00 am - suddenly have sharp pain like mensus cramp and jump out from...
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Hi mummies, I just delivered my 2nd baby at 9.43 am today at TMC and she is 2.43 kg!
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Feel excited for you...Wish you have a smooth delivery and healthy baby! :-)
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Congrats felicity and piglim! My EDD is 30 sep and expecting my 2nd princess this time. :-)
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    Please share your birth story

    Contraction is like having bad mensus cramp. But it's will comes & goes...still bearable for me coz maybe i normally have bad mensus cramp every month before pregnant. After each pain then get yourself ready for next pain. So, i guess be mentally prepared for the pain. It becomes more closer and...
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    Please share your birth story

    I went to hospital ard 8.00 pm after my waterbag burst and some bleeding follow by contraction as well. I delivered my gal ard 10.30 pm with natural and no epi. The nurse told me I'm consider fast and gotta be careful for my second baby which is end of September. ☺
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Hi Shjn96! We have the same EDD but is my 2nd pregnancy. 1st child was born last year. Try to be more relax and do something to divert your attention of MS. I have no choice to take care my 13 months old daughter but yet still having MS. But I realized that I'll only have that feeling when I'm...
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    How is contraction like??

    Hi! For my case, I have some contraction interval about every 20 mins, then keep gg to toilet and felt like wanna poo..the water is leaking out which you can't control. There was some pink/light red color discharge also. Then my contraction interval is getting closer like every 10 mins. For...