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  1. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Its concoctions with bazhen...
  2. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Congrats soursop.. Ive been MIA for few mths. Update of wats been happening.I went through lapo in apr so everything is well now.Went for a holiday in june.This is my 2nd cycle post lapo- not successful.Waiting for AF to come as tested negative this morn.Given myself 1 more cycle to try before...
  3. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Dragontail: Yes i heard that some ladies get preg fast after lapo if u dun have other probs..for me only hubby motility n morp just bit borderline, count is v gd.. Afterall need 1 gd sperm to meet egg.. If this does nt wk then proceed iui, ivf really last resort..
  4. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Just visited gynea today after completing all left tube blocked.she suggested i go for lapo..anyways i mentally prepared myself already..she say no pt try iui since based on scans done before i o fr left side in 2 consecutive wonder on clomid O fr left ovary cant get...
  5. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Completed my hsg test n it was not that bad...just discomfort when dye placed in like menses cramps for abt 1 min but mild cramps
  6. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Mummygirl: Congrats!!! Am going for my hsg test on friday..i could not go for bt on cd 2-3 as clinic was closed during CNY. I understand the test is to check for hormonal the test being done to check other things too? Clinic told me this test costs more than the blood test on cd...
  7. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Littlehamster: will you know the results after completing the test? Some say fr the x ray can see already
  8. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Soursop: ive been on 2 cycle of clomid but didnt under NUH so will do my test there..probably in feb since now cd12
  9. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Ill b going for my hsg test if my this cycle nt successful...
  10. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Thank you ladies, i will ask my gynea..before clomid if got clots only 2-3 thick ones tats it...stimes i get it on day 5..i always used to have 1 big one on cd5..always so exact one,cd5 sure got 1 come out.this time fr cd1 n today cd2 alot... I itchy mouth like to take cold stuff...only lunch...
  11. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Dragontail: When took clomid i experience this but last cycle i didnt so im thinking y until so many!! The last x i asked her she say when u take clomid its normal to have when i see her i'll ask her...
  12. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Af came in full force today. Even thought not on clomid this mth so many clots..anyone experience this before?
  13. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Wishing all a Happy 2014! Was sick since Mon- headache n vomitting. Today i feel much better! I think my AF coming...i got slight spotting in the morn
  14. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Gd Evening Ladies..How's the weekend going?Otw to orchard to get gifts...w/o Hubby..stimes i feel can shop in peace without him ard...hahaha!!!he will join later... My Af due next week so now its still waiting game...but my tummy is bloated.this is how it is a week before AF due...hope some...
  15. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Soursop2014: ive a fren went kkh..u need to go poly get referral..poly will imm call kkh fix appt 4 u n advise u date n time of appt.if u do not choose gynea will b under subsidized rate..its much much cheaper as i compared agst my bills- i chose my gynea.watever tests need to b done will b...
  16. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    MXLO: Rest well n recover soon...
  17. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    apple121079: when i was on clomid, gynea did a scan to see no. of follices that had developed..the scan will also show the size of follice..your gynea should do a scan to monitor the follices while on clomid..u shud ask ur gynea abt pt put u on clomid n never monitor on this..
  18. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Good to be: when i was on clomid i had unexpected headaches n when AF come flow more and alot clots..different ppl will have different reaction to clomid... I read gynea will nt recommend clomid for nany gynea clearly told me 2 only..o read some ppl take up to 6 cycles.. Merry Xmas to...
  19. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    MXLO: Can you give me your sinseh contact?Have you been seeing her for long?Is it very crowded..I can go after wk only
  20. H

    We are TTC-ing!

    Soursop: i forgot to tell u if ur hubby Sa sample cant b tested they will call you already..n my nurse said no comments on my hubby's report so i hope she has given me a gd hint!now i told myself no need kanchong n just wait for appt!