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  1. D

    Experience with SGH?

    You can request to see the same dr everytime. I also agree it's best to stick to the same dr. Suggest you see A/Prof. Tan Hak Koon.
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    Induced labour

    No wonder. I never trust trainee they just cannot make it.
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    Induced labour

    It shouldn't be painful when they break the water bag. Think your gynae is very rough.
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    Beware of poor practices by Gynae and Hospital

    All i can say is your gynae is very rough. I didn't feel a thing when my gynae did it.
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    Need advice - Sticky baby

    My 18mths old gal is still sticky.
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    Dr Tan Hak Koon from SGH

    Like Amy im seeing this Dr since yr 2000. My 4 kids were delivered by him. He visited me everyday in the ward. Very caring and friendly. He will give his numbers to all his patients. If you have to see a gynae in SGH he is the famous one. If you ask me about my experience with this dr it's a...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi, so im not alone. My gal also started waking at night and her milk. Nap also about 30mins only. I wish she can sleep longer. I also notice she started to nap once a day only. If it's once a day it will be 1hr and if lucky 2hrs.
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    epidural or oxyen gas...

    Ya i heard of it too. It happened to my neighbour's daugher. I dare not use epidural after that. Anything can happen.......
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    epidural or oxyen gas...

    Gas is good for short labour. If you dilate fast still ok to use gas. If your labour is hrs type say like more then 8hrs kind maybe gas won't work.
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    where has my tummy gone?!!

    Read this post make me so sad. I don't belong to this group. I belong to the big tummy group. :(. Till now bb is 4mths old already still big.
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    April 09 MTBs!

    My gal coming 3mths on 10 July.
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    April 09 MTBs!

    What's your bb weight/height? My gal weigh 5.7kg and 60cm.
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    I didn't see cos i don't take MRT. What is it about???
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    Sigh...need to go for C-section

    My turn at 36wks. So still got chance.
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    Have you been done Episiotomy?

    I had it 4 times. Nothing to be afraid about. You won't feel a thing when being cut.
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    April 09 MTBs!

    It's normal to have spotting if you are still breastfeeding.
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    Any New Mummy NOT Breastfeeding

    Sounds like me. My #3 bf till 1 yr old no problem at all. Now this #4 cry all the time and want to eat every 2 hrs and also didn't sleep well. She can't latch well and will cry and cry. So i can only give ebm but ebm not enough for her already. Only bf her 2wks+ only. So cos don't feel good...
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    baby's head up again!

    My is up down up down. 26wks up, 29wks down then at 33wks still up then at 36wks down. Keep talking to bb and keep praying. Im lucky.
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    Baby in the same position since week 29

    Same for me. Not engage still high till the very day she was delivered.
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    baby don't want to come out...

    ASL 6886, can share your birth story? Is it very short labour and fast? How many days over due? I can't wait for my to come out but no reaction(pain/contraction) at all. So stressful waiting....