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  1. M

    EDD Sep 2010

    ive been bottle-feeding my girl with EBM for past 5 wks and sometimes im tempted to give up too. it's so tiring to pump & wash the pump accessories every 3 hours. i feel like a robot. im also considering mixing FM into breast milk for her night feed to last her longer thru the night. but i will...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    the pork seller in the market also told my mom that pig liver will stop breastmilk production. but ive been eating alot of mushrooms. =(
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    EDD Sep 2010

    congrats to MummyK & LittleWorm, and others that i may have missed out! :001_302: seems like Sept is a girlish month, soooo many girls! :tlaugh:
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    EDD Sep 2010

    my mini electric plus so far so good. but i read somewhere that it is designed for occasional use, while im using mine every 3-4 hours daily for my girl's feeding. now counting down to the day that it will break down from being overworked. =( my SIL had been using hers for more than 6 mths...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    congrats on the arrival of your baby girl! :Dancing_wub: even with all the help of my family, i already feel like breaking down. so i know how much more harder it is for you to be taking care of the baby by yourself. hang in there! *hugs. since your girl is too impatient to latch on, i guess...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    haha i see, thanks!! :tlaugh:
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    EDD Sep 2010

    oh dear, any mom's heart will break upon hearing such news of her baby. be strong okie? your girl will be fine! hope the miracle happens. =)
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    EDD Sep 2010

    thanks for the info! :tlaugh: i saw from the website that there's the alcohol and alcohol-free version, which one are you taking? or does the TMC pharmacy only carry the alcoholic version? and did you really experience a spike in breastmilk supply after you started on it?
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    EDD Sep 2010

    congrats littleworm!! :Dancing_wub: i managed to latch her on for every feeding during the hospital stay. i was still feeling amazed my colostrum came in so quickly and that i was able to provide for her. it was only 1.5 days later that she didnt pass any urine at all that my PD told me most...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    i see. how about the time gap btwn taking the fenugreek and breastfeeding?
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    EDD Sep 2010

    by the way, i'd like to check with the breastfeeding mommies who are supplementing with fenugreek, where did you get it and any special things to note? like maybe cannot consume it directly before breastfeeding. TIA!
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    EDD Sep 2010

    my gynae also told me to count if baby has 10 movements in a day, but i didnt really take his words. cos my girl can get pretty active during some parts of the day, and can have 10 movements in 15 mins. but to me that dont mean she is safe. what if she has no movement for the next 23 hrs 45 mins...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    woo~ and i tot im the only one with different-sized breasts! haha. ive been starting her off on the smaller side too, but dont seem to have much effect. the body takes some time to adjust i guess. pls dont let this be a permanent situation.....
  14. M

    EDD Sep 2010

    oh dear, then i better start sourcing for one now!
  15. M

    EDD Sep 2010

    i see! thanks alot. =) by the way did you have to book the massage lady very much in advance? im thinking whether they are very hot in demand, cos if so then i will have to start calling them up now. my confinement is ending in 1.5 wks. :Dancing_wub:
  16. M

    EDD Sep 2010

    my baby's skin was peeling a little during the days we had to sun her due to jaundice. i would apply a very thin layer of johnson's baby lotion on the peeling areas. after a few applications the peeling would stop. i hadnt tried bathing my baby personally, my mil had been doing it so far. she...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    woo that would be really nice of you! thanks! :Dancing_wub:
  18. M

    EDD Sep 2010

    hey mrs eg, i decided to delay the postnatal massage till after confinement cos not being able to bathe and wash away the oil on the body after the massage sounds really uncomfortable. in fact the oil gave my sis-in-law rashes. any idea if the massage will be less effective if i delay till then...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    the diaper covers are not too breathable i guess cos after all the layer is waterproof. but i usually dont put them on too tightly on my girl so that there's still some space here and there for some air circulation. and to me the changing mat is pretty essential if she's wearing cloth diapers...
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    EDD Sep 2010

    hey nightingale! how to know if the shields are too big/small for us? and i limit my pumping sessions to 10 mins as my LC suggested, to avoid overtiring our nipples. and indeed, when i observe the flow coming to a stop, it will be the 10th min. :elvis: i got amazingly accurate breasts, haha...